The Net Power 1996 March
Net Power 03 (March 1996).iso
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Internet Message Format
From: celestin@celestin.com (Celestin Company, Inc.)
Providers of Commercial Internet Access
The TEXT version of the POCIA Directory
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*** 11 DECEMBER 1995 VERSION ***
Copyright 1994-1995 by Celestin Company, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.
The information in this directory is provided as-is and without any expressed
or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You may use the
information in this directory for non-commercial purposes only. Contact us
if you wish to use the directory for a commercial purpose. For example, if you
would like to post this file on a public BBS, you may do so. However, if you
would like to reproduce this file (in whole or in part) in a newsletter, book,
article, or other commercial media, please contact me.
All of the information in this directory was supplied to Celestin Company
directly by the service providers and is subject to change without notice.
Celestin Company does not endorse any of the providers in this directory. If
you do not see a provider listed for your area, please do not ask us about it,
as we only know about providers in this directory. This directory is brought to
you as a public service. Celestin Company does not receive any compensation
from the providers listed here. Since Internet service providers come and go,
and frequently change their offers, we strongly urge you to contact them for
additional information and/or restrictions.
The latest version of this document is available at the following location:
You may also retrieve the latest copy (as well as additional information on
Celestin Company and its products) using email. For information on how this
works, send a blank message to:
If you have web access, try http://www.celestin.com/pocia/ for the hypertext
version of this list, which includes addresses, telephone numbers, fax
numbers, email addresses, and pricing.
Items designated by an asterisk (*) are new this month.
A listing of Internet service providers in the U.S. and Canada, sorted by
area code. Fields are area code, service provider name, voice phone number,
and email address for more information.
Free Service Providers
For the cost of a long distance phone call, you can dial any of these Internet
providers and give the Internet a try.
Free.org (shell,slip,ppp) modem -> 715 743 1600 info@free.org
Free.I.Net (must dial via AT&T) modem -> 801 471 2266 info@free.i.net
SLIPNET (shell,slip,ppp) modem -> 217 792 2777 info@slip.net
Nationwide Service Providers
The following access providers provide service to more than just one part of
the United States/Canada. Many of them provide service regardless of your
geographic location, but may charge a higher price than local service providers.
AGIS (Apex Global Information Services) 313 730 1130 info@agis.net
ANS 703 758 7700 info@ans.net
BBN Planet 617 873 2905 net-info@bbnplanet.com
Concentric Research Corporation 800 745 2747 info@cris.com
CRL Network Services 415 837 5300 sales@crl.com
DataXchange Network, Inc 800 863 1550 info@dx.net
Delphi Internet Services Corporation 800 695 4005 info@delphi.com
EarthLink Network, Inc. 213 644 9500 sales@earthlink.net
Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
4GL Corporation 713 589 8077 info@4gl.com
Global Connect, Inc. 804 229 4484 info@gc.net
Information Access Technologies (Holonet) 510 704 0160 info@holonet.net
Institute for Global Communications 415 442 0220 igc-info@igc.apc.org
Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
MIDnet 800 682 5550 info@mid.net
Moran Communications 716 639 1254 info@moran.com
NETCOM On-Line Communications Services 408 554 8649 info@netcom.com
Netrex, Inc 800 3 NETREX info@netrex.com
Network 99, Inc. 800 NET 99IP net99@cluster.mcs.net
Performance Systems International 800 827 7482 all-info@psi.com
Portal Information Network 408 973 9111 info@portal.com
SprintLink - Nationwide 56K - 45M access 800 817 7755 info@sprint.net
The ThoughtPort Authority Inc. 800 ISP 6870 info@thoughtport.com
WareNet 714 348 3295 info@ware.net
Zocalo Engineering 510 540 8000 info@zocalo.net
Toll-Free Service Providers
These access providers allow you to dial a toll-free 800 number to connect to
the Internet. Most of them charge for this privilege, but it may save you money
over long distance charges if you do not have local Internet access.
Allied Access Inc. 618 684 2255 sales@intrnet.net
American Information Systems, Inc. 708 413 8400 info@ais.net
Association for Computing Machinery 817 776 6876 account-info@acm.org
CICNet, Inc. 313 998 6103 info@cic.net
Cogent Software, Inc. 818 585 2788 info@cogsoft.com
Cyberius Online Inc. 613 233 1215 info@cyberus.ca
Colorado SuperNet, Inc. 303 296 8202 info@csn.org
EarthLink Network, Inc. 213 644 9500 sales@earthlink.net
Global Connect, Inc. 804 229 4484 info@gc.net
Internet Express 719 592 1240 info@usa.net
Mnematics, Incorporated 914 359 4546 service@mne.com
Msen, Inc. 313 998 4562 info@msen.com
NeoSoft, Inc. 713 684 5969 info@neosoft.com
NETCOM On-Line Communications Services 408 554 8649 info@netcom.com
New Mexico Technet, Inc. 505 345 6555 granoff@technet.nm.org
Pacific Rim Network, Inc. 360 650 0442 info@pacificrim.net
Rocky Mountain Internet 800 900 7644 info@rmii.com
Synergy Communications, Inc. 800 345 9669 info@synergy.net
VivaNET, Inc. 800 836 UNIX info@vivanet.com
VoiceNet 800 835 5710 info@voicenet.com
WLN 800 342 5956 info@wln.com
Regional Service Providers
These access providers specialize in particular regions, some as small as a
town of a thousand people, others as large as the San Francisco Bay Area.
201 Carroll-Net, Inc. 201 488 1332 info@carroll.com
201 Crystal Palace Networking, Inc. 201 300 0881 info@crystal.palace.net
201 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
201 Eclipse Internet Access 800 483 1223 info@eclipse.net
201 Galaxy Networks 201 825 2310 info@galaxy.net
201 GBN InternetAccess 201 343 6427 gbninfo@gbn.net
201 I-2000 Inc. 800 464 3820 info@i-2000.com
201 INTAC Access Corporation 800 504 6822 info@intac.com
201 Interactive Networks, Inc. 201 881 1878 info@interactive.net
*201 Intercall, Inc 800 758 7329 sales@intercall.com
201 InterCom Online 212 714 7183 info@intercom.com
201 The Internet Connection Corp. 201 435 4414 info@cnct.com
201 Internet Online Services x226 -> 201 928 1000 help@ios.com
201 Lightning Internet Services, LLC 516 248 8400 sales@lightning.net
201 Mordor International BBS 201 433 4222 ritz@mordor.com
201 New York Net 718 776 6811 sales@new-york.net
201 NIC - Neighborhood Internet Connection 201 934 1445 info@nic.com
201 Openix - Open Internet Exchange 201 443 0400 info@openix.com
201 Planet Access Networks 201 691 4704 info@planet.net
201 ZONE One Network Exchange 212 824 4000 info@zone.net
202 American Information Network 410 855 2353 info@ai.net
202 CAPCON Library Network 202 331 5771 info@capcon.net
202 Charm.Net 410 558 3900 info@charm.net
202 Cyber Services, Inc. 703 749 9590 info@cs.com
202 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
202 Genuine Computing Resources 703 878 4680 info@gcr.com
202 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
202 Internet Online, Inc. 301 652 4468 info@intr.net
202 Interpath 800 849 6305 info@interpath.net
202 LaserNet 703 591 4232 info@laser.net
202 Quantum Networking Solutions, Inc. 805 538 2028 info@qnet.com
202 RadixNet Internet Services 301 567 9831 info@radix.net
202 Smartnet Internet Services, LLC 301 470 3400 info@smart.net
202 UltraPlex Information Providers 301 598 6UPX info@upx.net
202 Universal Telecomm Corporation 703 758 0550 root@utc.net
202 US Net, Incorporated 301 572 5926 info@us.net
202 World Web Limited 703 838 2000 info@worldweb.net
202 Xpress Internet Services 301 601 5050 info@xis.com
203 Computerized Horizons 203 335 7431 sysop@fcc.com
203 Connix: Connecticut Internet Exchange 860 349 7059 office@connix.com
203 Continuum Communications, Inc. 203 885 3576 gph@q.continuum.net
203 Futuris Networks, Inc. 203 359 8868 info@futuris.net
203 I-2000 Inc. 800 464 3820 info@i-2000.com
203 imagine.com 860 527 9245 Postmaster@imagine.com
203 Lightning Internet Services, LLC 516 248 8400 sales@lightning.net
203 MCIX, Inc. 860 572 8720 info@mcix.com
203 Mindport Internet Services, Inc. 860 892 2081 staff@mindport.net
203 NETPLEX 203 233 1111 info@ntplx.net
203 North American Internet Company 800 952 INET info@nai.net
203 Paradigm Communications, Inc. 203 250 7397 info@pcnet.com
203 ZONE One Network Exchange 212 824 4000 info@zone.net
204 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
204 Gate West Communications 204 663 2931 info@gatewest.net
205 AIRnet Internet Services, Inc. 800 247 6388 efelton@AIRnet.net
205 Community Internet Connect, Inc. 205 722 0199 info@cici.com
205 HiWAAY Information Services 205 533 3131 info@HiWAAY.net
205 Hub City Area Access 601 268 6156 info@hub1.hubcity.com
205 interQuest, Inc. 205 464 8280 info@iquest.com
205 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
205 Renaissance Internet Services 205 535 2113 info@ro.com
205 Scott Network Services, Inc. 205 987 5889 info@scott.net
206 Blarg! Online Services 206 782 6578 info@blarg.com
206 Cyberspace 206 281 5397 info@cyberspace.com
206 Digital Forest 206 487 6414 info@forest.net
206 Eskimo North 206 367 7457 nanook@eskimo.com
206 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
206 InEx Net 206 670 1131 info@inex.com
206 Interconnected Associates Inc. (IXA) 206 622 7337 mike@ixa.com
206 Internet Express 719 592 1240 info@usa.net
206 ISOMEDIA.COM 206 881 8769 info@isomedia.com
206 Northwest Nexus, Inc. 206 455 3505 info@nwnexus.wa.com
206 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
206 Olympic Computing Solutions 206 989 6698 ocs@oz.net
206 Oregon Information Technology Centeres 503 469 6699 hmaster@harborside.com
206 Pacific Rim Network, Inc. x11 -> 360 650 0442 info@pacificrim.net
206 Seanet Online Services 206 343 7828 info@seanet.com
206 SenseMedia 408 335 9400 sm@picosof.com
206 Structured Network Systems, Inc. 503 656 3530 info@structured.net
206 Teleport, Inc. 503 223 4245 info@teleport.com
206 Transport Logic 503 243 1940 sales@transport.com
206 WLN 800 342 5956 info@wln.com
207 Agate Internet Services 207 947 8248 ais@agate.net
207 MaineStreet Communications 207 657 5078 rainmaker@maine.com
207 Midcoast Internet Solutions 207 594 8277 accounts@midcoast.com
207 MV Communications, Inc. 603 429 2223 info@mv.mv.com
207 Northern Lights Internet Services 207 773 4941 jkilday@nlbbs.com
208 Micron Internet Services 208 368 5400 sales@micron.net
208 Minnesota Regional Network 612 342 2570 info@mr.net
208 NICOH Net 208 233 5802 info@nicoh.com
208 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
208 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
208 SRVnet 208 524 6237 nlp@srv.net
208 Structured Network Systems, Inc. 503 656 3530 info@structured.net
208 Transport Logic 503 243 1940 sales@transport.com
209 The Computer Depot 209 223 5043 admin@cdepot.net
209 Cybergate Information Services 209 486 4283 cis@cybergate.com
209 Infonet Communications, Inc. 209 446 2360 mikeb@icinet.net
209 InReach Internet Communications 800 446 7324 info@inreach.com
209 InterNex Tiara 408 496 5466 info@internex.net
209 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
209 ValleyNet Communications 209 486 8638 info@valleynet.com
209 West Coast Online 707 586 3060 info@calon.com
210 Connect International Inc. 210 341 2599 info@connecti.com
210 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
210 The Eden Matrix 512 478 9900 info@eden.com
210 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
212 Advanced Standards, Inc advn.com 212 302 3366 kolian@advn.com
212 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
212 Blythe Systems 212 226 7171 infodesk@blythe.org
212 BrainLINK 718 805 6559 info@beast.brainlink.com
212 Calyx Internet Access 212 475 5051 info@calyx.net
212 Creative Data Consultants (SILLY.COM) 718 229 0489 info@silly.com
212 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
212 Echo Communications Group 212 255 3839 info@echonyc.com
212 escape.com - Kazan Corp 212 888 8780 info@escape.com
212 I-2000 Inc. 800 464 3820 info@i-2000.com
212 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
212 Ingress Communications Inc. 212 679 2838 info@ingress.com
212 INTAC Access Corporation 800 504 6822 info@intac.com
212 Intellitech Walrus 212 406 5000 info@walrus.com
212 Interactive Networks, Inc. 201 881 1878 info@interactive.net
*212 Intercall, Inc 800 758 7329 sales@intercall.com
212 InterCom Online 212 714 7183 info@intercom.com
212 The Internet Connection Corp. 201 435 4414 info@cnct.com
212 Internet Online Services x226 -> 201 928 1000 help@ios.com
212 Internet QuickLink Corp. 212 307 1669 info@quicklink.com
212 Interport Communications Corp. 212 989 1128 info@interport.net
212 Lightning Internet Services, LLC 516 248 8400 sales@lightning.net
212 Long Island Internet HeadQuarters 516 439 7800 support@pb.net
212 Mordor International BBS 201 433 4222 ritz@mordor.com
212 Mnematics, Incorporated 914 359 4546 service@mne.com
212 New World Data 718 962 1725 dmk@nwdc.com
212 New York Net 718 776 6811 sales@new-york.net
212 NY WEBB, Inc. 800 458 4660 wayne@webb.com
212 NYSERNet 800 493 4367 sales@nysernet.org
212 Panix (Public Access uNIX) 212 741 4400 info@panix.com
212 Phantom Access Technologies, Inc. 212 989 2418 bruce@phantom.com
212 Pipeline New York 212 267 3636 info@pipeline.com
212 Real Life Pictures RealNet 212 366 4434 reallife@walrus.com
212 Spacelab.Net 212 966 8844 mike@mxol.com
212 The ThoughtPort Authority Inc. 800 ISP 6870 info@thoughtport.com
212 ThoughtPort of New York City 212 645 7970 info@precipice.com
212 tunanet/InfoHouse 212 229 8224 info@tunanet.com
212 ZONE One Network Exchange 212 824 4000 info@zone.net
213 ArtNetwork 800 395 0692 info@artnet.net
213 BeachNet Internet Access 310 823 3308 info@beachnet.com
213 Cogent Software, Inc. 818 585 2788 info@cogsoft.com
213 Delta Internet Services 714 778 0370 info@deltanet.com
213 DigiLink Network Services 310 542 7421 info@digilink.net
213 DirectNet 213 383 3144 info@directnet.com
213 Electriciti 619 338 9000 info@powergrid.electriciti.com
213 Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
213 Flamingo Communications Inc. 310 532 3533 sales@fcom.com
213 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
213 Instant Internet Corporation (InstaNet) 818 772 0097 charlyg@instanet.com
213 The Loop Internet Switch Co. 213 465 1311 info@loop.com
213 KAIWAN Internet 714 638 2139 info@kaiwan.com
*213 KTB Internet Online 818 240 6600 info@ktb.net
213 Leonardo Internet 310 395 5500 jimp@leonardo.net
213 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
213 Network Intensive 714 450 8400 info@ni.net
213 Online-LA 310 967 8000 sales@online-la.com
213 OutWest Network Services 818 545 1996 info@outwest.net
213 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
213 QuickCom Internet Communcations 213 634 7735 info@quickcom.net
*213 Saigon Enterprises 818 246 0689 info@saigon.net
213 ViaNet Communications 415 903 2242 info@via.net
214 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
214 CompuTek 214 994 0190 info@computek.net
214 Connection Technologies - ConnectNet 214 490 7100 sales@connect.net
214 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
214 DFW Internet Services, Inc. 817 332 5116 info@dfw.net
214 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
214 OnRamp Technologies, Inc. 214 746 4710 info@onramp.net
214 Texas Metronet, Inc. 214 705 2900 info@metronet.com
215 Cheap Net 302 993 8420 sammy@ravenet.com
215 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
215 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
215 FishNet 610 337 9994 info@pond.com
215 GlobalQUEST, Inc. 610 696 8111 info@globalquest.net
215 I-2000 Inc. 800 464 3820 info@i-2000.com
215 Internet Tidal Wave 610 770 6187 steve@itw.com
215 InterNetworking Technologies 302 398 4369 itnt.com@itnt.com
215 The Magnetic Page 302 651 9753 info@magpage.com
215 Microserve Information Systems 717 779 4430 info@microserve.com
215 Net Access 215 576 8669 support@netaxs.com
215 Network Analysis Group 800 624 9240 nag@good.freedom.net
215 OpNet 610 520 2880 info@op.net
215 RaveNet Systems Inc 302 993 8420 waltemus@ravenet.com
215 VivaNET, Inc. 800 836 UNIX info@vivanet.com
215 VoiceNet 800 835 5710 info@voicenet.com
215 You Tools Corporation / FASTNET 610 954 5910 info@fast.net
216 APK Public Access UNI* Site 216 481 9436 info@wariat.org
216 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
*216 CommercePark Interactive, Ltd. 216 523 2240 info@commercepark.com
216 ExchangeNet 216 261 4593 info@en.com
216 Gateway to Internet Services 216 656 5511 ytc@gwis.com
216 Multiverse, Inc. 216 344 3080 multiverse.com
216 New Age Consulting Service 216 524 3162 damin@nacs.net
216 OARnet (corporate clients only) 614 728 8100 info@oar.net
217 Allied Access Inc. 618 684 2255 sales@intrnet.net
217 Net66 217 328 0066 sales@net66.com
217 Shouting Ground Technologies, Inc. 217 351 7921 admin@shout.net
217 Sol Tec, Inc. 317 920 1SOL info@soltec.com
218 Minnesota OnLine 612 225 1110 info@mn.state.net
218 Red River Net 701 232 2227 info@rrnet.com
218 Protocol Communications, Inc. 612 541 9900 info@protocom.com
219 Custom Logic Systems 219 255 5201 info@cl-sys.com
219 Wink Communications Group, Inc. 708 310 9465 sales@winkcomm.com
301 ABSnet Internet Services 410 361 8160 info@abs.net
301 American Information Network 410 855 2353 info@ai.net
301 Charm.Net 410 558 3900 info@charm.net
301 Clark Internet Services, Inc. ClarkNet 410 995 0691 info@clark.net
301 Cyber Services, Inc. 703 749 9590 info@cs.com
301 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
301 FredNet 301 631 5300 info@fred.net
301 Genuine Computing Resources 703 878 4680 info@gcr.com
301 Internet Online, Inc. 301 652 4468 info@intr.net
301 Kompleat Internet Services LLC 301 293 4333 netadmin@kis.net
301 LaserNet 703 591 4232 info@laser.net
301 Quantum Networking Solutions, Inc. 805 538 2028 info@qnet.com
301 RadixNet Internet Services 301 567 9831 info@radix.net
301 Smartnet Internet Services, LLC 301 470 3400 info@smart.net
301 SURAnet 301 982 4600 marketing@sura.net
301 UltraPlex Information Providers 301 598 6UPX info@upx.net
301 Universal Telecomm Corporation 703 758 0550 root@utc.net
301 US Net, Incorporated 301 572 5926 info@us.net
301 World Web Limited 703 838 2000 info@worldweb.net
301 Xpress Internet Services 301 601 5050 info@xis.com
302 Cheap Net 302 993 8420 sammy@ravenet.com
302 Delaware Common Access Network 302 654 1019 info@dca.net
302 First State Web, Inc. 302 234 0721 info@wittnet.com
302 InterNetworking Technologies 302 398 4369 itnt.com@itnt.com
302 The Magnetic Page 302 651 9753 info@magpage.com
302 RaveNet Systems Inc 302 993 8420 waltemus@ravenet.com
302 SSNet, Inc. 302 378 1386 info@ssnet.com
302 VoiceNet 800 835 5710 info@voicenet.com
303 ABWAM, Inc. 303 730 6050 info@entertain.com
303 Colorado SuperNet, Inc. 303 296 8202 info@csn.org
303 CSDC, Inc. 303 665 8053 support@ares.csd.net
303 The Denver Exchange, Inc. 303 455 4252 info@tde.com
303 ENVISIONET, Inc. 303 770 2408 info@envisionet.net
303 EZLink Internet Access 970 482 0807 ezadmin@ezlink.com
303 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
303 Indra's Net, Inc. 303 546 9151 info@indra.com
303 Internet Express 719 592 1240 info@usa.net
303 NETConnect 800 689 8001 office@tcd.net
303 NetWay 2001, Inc. 303 794 1000 info@netway.net
303 New Mexico Technet, Inc. 505 345 6555 granoff@technet.nm.org
303 Online Network Enterprises, Inc. 303 444 2522 info@netONE.com
303 Rocky Mountain Internet 800 900 7644 info@rmii.com
303 Shaman Exchange, Inc. 303 674 9784 info@dash.com
303 Stonehenge Internet Communications 800 RUN INET info@henge.com
304 RAM Technologies Inc. 800 950 1726 info@ramlink.net
305 Acquired Knowledge Systems, Inc. 305 525 2574 info@aksi.net
305 CyberGate, Inc. 305 428 4283 sales@gate.net
305 Electronic Link 305 378 1128 info@elink.net
305 The EmiNet Domain 407 731 0222 info@emi.net
305 InteleCom Data Systems, Inc. 401 885 6855 info@ids.net
305 Internet Providers of Florida, Inc 305 273 7978 office@ipof.fla.net
305 Internet World Information Network 305 535 3090 webmaster@winnet.net
305 Magg Information Services, Inc. 407 642 9841 help@magg.net
305 NetMiami Internet Corporation 305 554 4463 picard@netmiami.com
305 Netpoint Communications, Inc. 305 891 1955 info@netpoint.net
305 Paradise Communications, Inc. 404 980 0078 info@paradise.net
305 PSS InterNet Services 800 463 8499 support@america.com
305 SatelNET Communications, Inc. 305 434 8738 admin@satelnet.org
*305 Shadow Information Services, Inc. 305 594 2450 admin@shadow.net
305 WebIMAGE, an internet presence provider 407 723 0001 info@webimage.com
305 Zimmerman Communications 305 584 1180 bob@zim.com
306 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
307 CoffeyNet 307 234 5443 web@coffey.com
307 NETConnect 800 689 8001 office@tcd.net
307 wyoming.com 307 332 3030 info@wyoming.com
308 Synergy Communications, Inc. 800 345 9669 info@synergy.net
309 CICNet, Inc. 313 998 6103 info@cic.net
309 Driscoll Communications 309 367 2006 info@dris.com
309 Interactive Communications & Explorations 309 454 4638 icenet@ice.net
310 ArtNetwork 800 395 0692 info@artnet.net
310 BeachNet Internet Access 310 823 3308 info@beachnet.com
310 Business Access Technologies 714 577 8978 Techs@batech.com
310 Cloverleaf Communications 714 895 3075 sales@cloverleaf.com
310 Cogent Software, Inc. 818 585 2788 info@cogsoft.com
310 CruzNet 714 680 6600 info@cruznet.net
310 Delta Internet Services 714 778 0370 info@deltanet.com
310 DigiLink Network Services 310 542 7421 info@digilink.net
310 Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
310 Flamingo Communications Inc. 310 532 3533 sales@fcom.com
310 Instant Internet Corporation (InstaNet) 818 772 0097 charlyg@instanet.com
310 KAIWAN Internet 714 638 2139 info@kaiwan.com
*310 KTB Internet Online 818 240 6600 info@ktb.net
310 Leonardo Internet 310 395 5500 jimp@leonardo.net
310 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
310 Lightside, Inc. 818 858 9261 Lightside@Lightside.Com
310 The Loop Internet Switch Co. 213 465 1311 info@loop.com
310 Network Intensive 714 450 8400 info@ni.net
310 Online-LA 310 967 8000 sales@online-la.com
310 OutWest Network Services 818 545 1996 info@outwest.net
310 QuickCom Internet Communcations 213 634 7735 info@quickcom.net
310 QuickNet, Inc. 714 969 1091 sales@quick.net
*310 Saigon Enterprises 818 246 0689 info@saigon.net
310 SoftAware 310 305 0275 info@softaware.com
310 ViaNet Communications 415 903 2242 info@via.net
312 American Information Systems, Inc. 708 413 8400 info@ais.net
312 CICNet, Inc. 313 998 6103 info@cic.net
312 CIN.net Computerese Information Network 708 310 1188 info@cin.net
312 Compunet Technology Consultants 708 355 XNET webmaster@ms.com-punet.com
312 InterAccess Co. 708 498 2542 info@interaccess.com
312 Interactive Network Systems, Inc. 312 881 3039 info@insnet.com
312 MCSNet 312 248 8649 info@mcs.net
312 Ripco Communications, Inc. 312 477 6210 info@ripco.com
312 Tezcatlipoca, Inc. 312 850 0181 info@tezcat.com
312 The ThoughtPort Authority Inc. 800 ISP 6870 info@thoughtport.com
312 Wink Communications Group, Inc. 708 310 9465 sales@winkcomm.com
312 WorldWide Access 708 367 1870 info@wwa.com
312 XNet Information Systems 708 983 6064 info@xnet.com
313 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
313 CICNet, Inc. 313 998 6103 info@cic.net
*313 Great Lakes Information Systems 810 786 0454 info@glis.net
313 ICNET / Innovative Concepts 313 998 0090 info@ic.net
313 Isthmus Corporation 313 973 2100 info@izzy.net
313 Michigan Internet Cooperative Assn 810 355 1438 info@coop.mica.net
313 Mich.com, Inc. 810 478 4300 info@mich.com
313 Msen, Inc. 313 998 4562 info@msen.com
313 RustNet, Inc. 810 650 6812 info@rust.net
*313 Voyager Information Networks, Inc. 517 485 9068 help@voyager.net
314 accessU.S. Inc. 800 638 6373 info@accessus.net
314 Allied Access Inc. 618 684 2255 sales@intrnet.net
314 Inlink 314 432 0935 support@inlink.com
314 NeoSoft, Inc. 713 684 5969 info@neosoft.com
314 Online Information Access Network 618 692 9813 info@oia.net
314 MVP-Net, Inc. 314 731 2252 info@MO.NET
314 SOCKET Internet Services Corporation 314 499 9131 office@socketis.net
314 The ThoughtPort Authority Inc. 800 ISP 6870 info@thoughtport.com
315 NYSERNet 800 493 4367 sales@nysernet.org
315 ServiceTech, Inc. 716 263 3360 info@servtech.com
315 Spectra.net 607 798 7300 info@spectra.net
315 Syracuse Internet 315 233 1948 info@vcomm.net
315 VivaNET, Inc. 800 836 UNIX info@vivanet.com
316 Elysian Fields, Inc. 316 267 2636 info@elysian.net
316 Future Net, Inc. 316 652 0070 rgmann@fn.net
316 SouthWind Internet Access, Inc. 316 263 7963 info@southwind.net
317 HolliCom Internet Services 317 883 4500 cale@holli.com
317 IQuest Internet, Inc. 317 259 5050 info@iquest.net
317 Metropolitan Data Networks Limited 317 449 0539 info@mdn.com
317 Net Direct 317 251 5252 kat@inetdirect.net
317 Sol Tec, Inc. 317 920 1SOL info@soltec.com
318 Linknet Internet Services 318 442 5465 rdalton@linknet.net
318 Net-Connect, Ltd. 318 234 4396 services@net-connect.net
319 Freese-Notis Weather.Net 515 282 9310 hfreese@weather.net
319 Gryffin Information Services 319 399 3690 Info@gryffin.com
319 ia.net 319 393 1095 info@ia.net
319 INTERLINK L.C. 319 524 2895 postmaster@interl.net
334 Datasync Internet Services 601 872 0001 info@datasync.com
334 Gulf Coast Internet Company 904 438 5700 info@gulf.net
334 OnLine Montgomery 334 271 9576 rverble@bbs.olm.com
334 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
334 Scott Network Services, Inc. 205 987 5889 info@scott.net
334 WSNetwork Communications Services, Inc. 334 263 5505 custserv@wsnet.com
360 The Bellingham Internet Cafe 360 650 0442 tonys@inet-cafe.com
360 Interconnected Associates Inc. (IXA) 206 622 7337 mike@ixa.com
360 NorthWest CommLink 360 336 0103 info@nwcl.net
360 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
360 Olympia Networking Services 360 753 3636 info@olywa.net
360 Olympic Net 360 692 0651 info@olympic.net
360 Olympus 360 385 0464 info@olympus.net
360 Pacifier Computers 360 693 2116 info@pacifier.com
360 Pacific Rim Network, Inc. x11 -> 360 650 0442 info@pacificrim.net
360 Premier1 Internet Services 360 793 3658 info@premier1.net
360 Skagit On-Line Services 360 755 0190 info@sos.net
360 Structured Network Systems, Inc. 503 656 3530 info@structured.net
360 Teleport, Inc. 503 223 4245 info@teleport.com
360 Transport Logic 503 243 1940 sales@transport.com
360 TSCNet Inc. 360 613 0708 info@tscnet.com
360 Whidbey Connections, Inc. 360 678 1070 info@whidbey.net
360 WLN 800 342 5956 info@wln.com
401 brainiac services inc. 401 539 9050 info@brainiac.com
401 CompUtopia 401 732 5588 allan@computopia.com
401 InteleCom Data Systems, Inc. 401 885 6855 info@ids.net
401 The Internet Connection, Inc. 508 261 0383 info@ici.net
401 MCIX, Inc. 860 572 8720 info@mcix.com
401 Plymouth Commercial Internet Exchange 617 741 5900 info@pcix.com
401 Saturn Internet Corporation 617 451 9121 info@saturn.net
402 Greater Omaha Public Access Unix Corp 402 558 5030 info@gonix.com
402 Internet Nebraska 402 434 8680 info@inetnebr.com
402 The Online Pitstop 402 291 1542 bob@top.net
402 Pioneer Internet 712 271 0101 info@pionet.net
402 ProLinx Communications, Inc. 402 551 3036 techsupport@nfinity.nfinity.com
402 Synergy Communications, Inc. 800 345 9669 info@synergy.net
402 Zelcom International, Incorporated 402 333 2441 administration-dept@zelcom.com
*403 AGT Limited 800 608 1155 info@agt.net
403 Alberta SuperNet Inc. 403 441 3663 info@supernet.ab.ca
403 CCI Networks 403 450 6787 info@ccinet.ab.ca
403 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
403 Debug Computer Services 403 248 5798 root@debug.cuc.ab.ca
*403 TST Consulting 403 529 1560 sales@TST-MedHat.com
403 UUNET Canada, Inc. 416 368 6621 info@uunet.ca
404 CyberNet Communications Corporation 404 518 5711 sfeingold@atlwin.com
404 Digital Service Consultants Inc. 770 455 9022 info@dscga.com
404 First Internet Resources 800 577 5969 jcarter@1stresource.com
404 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
404 Internet Atlanta 404 410 9000 info@atlanta.com
404 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
404 NetDepot Inc. 770 434 5595 info@netdepot.com
404 Paradise Communications, Inc. 404 980 0078 info@paradise.net
404 Random Access, Inc. 404 804 1190 sales@randomc.com
404 vividnet 770 933 0999 webadmin@vivid.net
405 Internet Oklahoma 405 721 1580 info@ionet.net
405 Questar Network Services 405 848 3228 info@qns.net
406 CyberPort Montana 406 863 3221 skippy@cyberport.net
406 Internet Montana 406 255 9699 support@comp-unltd.com
406 Montana Internet Cooperative 406 443 3347 admin@mt.net
406 Montana Online 406 721 4952 info@montana.com
406 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
407 Acquired Knowledge Systems, Inc. 305 525 2574 info@aksi.net
407 CyberGate, Inc. 305 428 4283 sales@gate.net
407 The EmiNet Domain 407 731 0222 info@emi.net
407 Florida Online 407 635 8888 info@digital.net
*407 GS-Link Systems Inc. 407 671 8682 info@gslink.net
407 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
407 InteleCom Data Systems, Inc. 401 885 6855 info@ids.net
407 Internet Providers of Florida, Inc 305 273 7978 office@ipof.fla.net
407 InternetU 407 952 8487 info@iu.net
407 Magg Information Services, Inc. 407 642 9841 help@magg.net
407 MagicNet, Inc. 407 657 2202 info@magicnet.net
407 MetroLink Internet Services 407 726 6707 jtaylor@metrolink.net
407 PSS InterNet Services 800 463 8499 support@america.com
*407 Shadow Information Services, Inc. 305 594 2450 admin@shadow.net
407 WAM / NetRunner 407 392 9422 wam@wamsyst.com
407 WebIMAGE, an internet presence provider 407 723 0001 info@webimage.com
408 A-Link Network Services, Inc. 408 720 6161 info@alink.net
408 Aimnet Information Services 408 257 0900 info@aimnet.com
408 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
408 Bay Area Internet Solutions 408 447 8690 tjw00@bayarea.net
408 Brainstorm's Internet Power Connection 415 473-6411 info@brainstorm.net
408 BTR Communications Company 415 966 1429 support@btr.com
*408 Click.Net 415 579 2535 info@click.net
408 Cruzio 408 423 1162 office@cruzio.com
408 Direct Net Access Incorporated 510 649 6110 support@dnai.com
408 The Duck Pond Public Unix modem -> 408 249 9630 postmaster@kfu.com
408 Electriciti 619 338 9000 info@powergrid.electriciti.com
408 Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
*408 GST Net 510 792 0768 info@gst.net
408 ICOnetworks 408 461 4638 info@ico.net
408 Infoserv Connections 408 335 5600 root@infoserv.com
408 Internet Avenue 408 727 0777 sales@ave.net
408 InterNex Tiara 408 496 5466 info@internex.net
408 ISP Networks 408 653 0100 info@isp.net
408 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
408 meernet 415 428 7111 info@meer.net
408 Monterey Bay Internet 408 642 6100 info@mbay.net
408 NetGate Communications 408 565 9601 sales@netgate.net
408 Network Solutions 408 946 6895 info@inow.com
408 San Jose Co-op 408 978 3958 sales@sj-coop.net
408 Scruz-Net 408 457 5050 info@scruz.net
408 SenseMedia 408 335 9400 sm@picosof.com
408 South Valley Internet 408 683 4533 info@garlic.com
408 Silicon Valley Public Access Link 408 448 3071 abem@svpal.org
408 West Coast Online 707 586 3060 info@calon.com
408 zNET 619 755 7772 info@znet.com
408 Zocalo Engineering 510 540 8000 info@zocalo.net
409 Brazos Information Highway Services 409 693 9336 info@bihs.net
*409 CVTV - Internet 800 247 8885 cyndyz@cvtv.net
409 Cybercom Corporation 409 268 0771 www@cy-net.net
409 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
409 Fayette Area Internet Services 409 968 3999 mcooper@fais.net
409 Internet Connect Services, Inc. 512 572 9987 info@icsi.net
409 PERnet Communications, Inc. 409 729 4638 info@mail.pernet.net
410 ABSnet Internet Services 410 361 8160 info@abs.net
410 American Information Network 410 855 2353 info@ai.net
410 CAPCON Library Network 202 331 5771 info@capcon.net
410 Charm.Net 410 558 3900 info@charm.net
410 Clark Internet Services, Inc. ClarkNet 410 995 0691 info@clark.net
410 Cyber Services, Inc. 703 749 9590 info@cs.com
410 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
410 jaguNET Access Services 410 931 3157 info@jagunet.com
410 Smartnet Internet Services, LLC 410 792 4555 info@smart.net
410 Softaid Internet Services Inc. 410 290 7763 sales@softaid.net
410 UltraPlex Information Providers 410 880 4604 info@upx.net
410 US Net, Incorporated 301 572 5926 info@us.net
412 CityNet, Inc. 412 481 5406 info@city-net.com
412 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
412 FYI Networks 412 898 2323 info@fyi.net
412 Pittsburgh OnLine Inc. 412 681 6130 sales@pgh.net
412 Stargate Industries, Inc. 412 942 4218 info@sgi.net
412 Telerama Public Access Internet 412 481 3505 info@telerama.lm.com
412 The ThoughtPort Authority Inc. 800 ISP 6870 info@thoughtport.com
412 USA OnRamp 412 391 4382 info@usaor.com
412 Westmoreland Online Incorporated 412 830 4900 sales@westol.com
413 Mallard Electronics, Inc. 413 732 0214 gheacock@map.com
413 ShaysNet.COM 413 772 3774 staff@shaysnet.com
413 SoVerNet, Inc. 802 463 2111 info@sover.net
413 the spa!, inc. 413 539 9818 info@the-spa.com
414 Excel.Net, Inc. 414 452 0455 manager@excel.net
414 Exec-PC, Inc. 414 789 4200 info@execpc.com
414 FullFeed Communications 608 246 4239 info@fullfeed.com
*414 Internet Access LLC 414 648 3837 info@intaccess.com
414 MIX Communications 414 351 1868 info@mixcom.com
414 NetNet, Inc. 414 499 1339 info@netnet.net
414 The Peoples Telephone Company 414 326 3151 info@peoples.net
414 TRC Access 414 827 9111 info@trcaccess.net
414 Wink Communications Group, Inc. 708 310 9465 sales@winkcomm.com
415 A-Link Network Services, Inc. 408 720 6161 info@alink.net
415 Aimnet Information Services 408 257 0900 info@aimnet.com
415 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
415 APlatform 415 941 2647 support@aplatform.com
415 Bay Area Internet Solutions 408 447 8690 tjw00@bayarea.net
415 Beckemeyer Development 510 530 9637 info@bdt.com
415 Brainstorm's Internet Power Connection 415 473-6411 info@brainstorm.net
415 BTR Communications Company 415 966 1429 support@btr.com
*415 Click.Net 415 579 2535 info@click.net
415 Community ConneXion - NEXUS-Berkeley 510 549 1383 info@c2.org
415 Datatamers 415 367 7919 info@datatamers.com
415 Direct Net Access Incorporated 510 649 6110 support@dnai.com
415 emf.net 510 704 2929 sales@emf.net
415 Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
*415 GST Net 510 792 0768 info@gst.net
415 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
415 Idiom Consulting 510 644 0441 info@idiom.com
415 InReach Internet Communications 800 446 7324 info@inreach.com
415 InterNex Tiara 408 496 5466 info@internex.net
415 ISP Networks 408 653 0100 info@isp.net
415 LanMinds, Inc. 510 843 6389 info@lanminds.com
415 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
415 LineX Communications 415 455 1650 info@linex.com
415 meernet 415 428 7111 info@meer.net
415 MobiusNet 415 821 0600 info@mobius.net
415 NetGate Communications 408 565 9601 sales@netgate.net
415 Network Solutions 408 946 6895 info@inow.com
415 QuakeNet 415 655 6607 info@quake.net
415 San Francisco Online (Televolve, Inc.) 415 861 7712 info@sfo.com
415 Sirius 415 284 4700 info@sirius.com
415 SLIPNET 415 281 3132 info@slip.net
415 Silicon Valley Public Access Link 408 448 3071 abem@svpal.org
415 Ultima Tool 415 775 8960 info@ultima.org
415 Value Net Internetwork Services 510 943 5769 info@value.net
415 ViaNet Communications 415 903 2242 info@via.net
415 The WELL 415 332 4335 info@well.com
415 22 Solutions 415 431 9903 info@catch22.com
415 West Coast Online 707 586 3060 info@calon.com
415 zNET 619 755 7772 info@znet.com
415 Zocalo Engineering 510 540 8000 info@zocalo.net
416 ComputerLink/Internet Direct 416 233 7150 info@idirect.com
416 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
416 HookUp Communications 905 847 8000 info@hookup.net
416 Internex Online, Inc. 416 363 8676 support@io.org
416 InterLog Internet Services 416 975 2655 internet@interlog.com
416 Internet Light and Power 416 502 1512 staff@ilap.com
416 Magic Online Services International Inc. 416 591 6490 info@magic.ca
416 Neptune Internet Services 905 895 0898 info@neptune.on.ca
416 UUNET Canada, Inc. 416 368 6621 info@uunet.ca
417 DialNet (Digital Internet Access Link) 417 873 3425 sales@dialnet.net
417 Panther Creek Information Services 417 767 2126 info@pcis.net
417 Woodtech Information Systems, Inc. 417 886 0234 info@woodtech.com
418 autoroute.net 514 333 3145 info@autoroute.net
418 UUNET Canada, Inc. 416 368 6621 info@uunet.ca
419 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
419 GlassNet Communications, LTD. 419 382 6800 info@glasscity.net
419 OARnet (corporate clients only) 614 728 8100 info@oar.net
419 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
423 accessU.S. Inc. 800 638 6373 info@accessus.net
423 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
423 Preferred Internet, Inc. 615 323 1142 info@preferred.com
423 Virtual Interactive Center 423 544 7902 info@vic.com
501 A2ZNET 901 854 1871 webmaster@a2znet.com
501 Aristotle Internet Access 501 374 4638 info@aristotle.net
501 Cloverleaf Technologies 903 832 1367 helpdesk@clover.cleaf.com
501 IntelliNet ISP 501 376 7676 info@intellinet.com
502 accessU.S. Inc. 800 638 6373 info@accessus.net
502 IgLou Internet Services 800 436 4456 info@iglou.com
502 Mikrotec Internet Services, Inc. 606 225 1488 info@mis.net
503 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
503 aracnet.com 503 626 8696 info@aracnet.com
503 aVastNet 503 263 0912 info@vastnet.com
*503 Cascade Connection 503 282 8303 info@casconn.com
503 Cenornet 503 557 9047 info@cenornet.com
503 Colossus Inc. x19 -> 312 528 1000 colossus@romney.mtjeff.com
503 Data Research Group, Inc. 503 465 3282 info@ordata.com
503 Gorge Networks 503 386 8300 postmaster@gorge.net
503 Europa 503 222 9508 info@europa.com
503 Hevanet Communications 503 228 3520 info@hevanet.com
503 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
503 Interconnected Associates Inc. (IXA) 206 622 7337 mike@ixa.com
503 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
503 Open Door Networks, Inc. 503 488 4127 info@opendoor.com
503 Oregon Information Technology Centeres 503 469 6699 hmaster@harborside.com
503 Pacifier Computers 360 693 2116 info@pacifier.com
503 RainDrop Laboraties/Agora 503 293 1772 info@agora.rdrop.com
503 Structured Network Systems, Inc. 503 656 3530 info@structured.net
503 Teleport, Inc. 503 223 4245 info@teleport.com
503 Transport Logic 503 243 1940 sales@transport.com
503 WLN 800 342 5956 info@wln.com
504 AccessCom Internet Services 504 887 0022 info@accesscom.net
504 Communique Inc. 504 527 6200 info@communique.net
504 Cyberlink 504 277 4186 cladmin@eayor.cyberlink-no.com
504 Hollingsworth Information Services, Inc 504 769 2156 webmaster@rouge.net
504 Hub City Area Access 601 268 6156 info@hub1.hubcity.com
504 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
504 InterSurf Online, Inc. 504 755 0500 info@intersurf.net
504 JAMNet Internet Services, Inc. 504 361 3492 info@jis.net
504 NeoSoft, Inc. 713 684 5969 info@neosoft.com
505 Computer Systems Consulting 505 984 0085 info@spy.org
505 Internet Direct, Inc. 800 879 3624 info@direct.net
505 Internet Express 719 592 1240 info@usa.net
505 Network Intensive 714 450 8400 info@ni.net
505 New Mexico Internet Access 505 877 0617 info@nmia.com
505 New Mexico Technet, Inc. 505 345 6555 granoff@technet.nm.org
505 Southwest Cyberport 505 271 0009 info@swcp.com
505 WhiteHorse Communications ,Inc. 915 584 6630 whc.net.html
505 ZyNet SouthWest 505 343 8846 zycor@zynet.com
506 Agate Internet Services 207 947 8248 ais@agate.net
506 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
507 Desktop Media 507 373 2155 isp@dm.deskmedia.com
507 Internet Connections, Inc. 507 625 7320 info@ic.mankato.mn.us
507 Millennium Communications, Inc. 612 338 5509 info@millcomm.com
507 Minnesota OnLine 612 225 1110 info@mn.state.net
507 Minnesota Regional Network 612 342 2570 info@mr.net
507 Protocol Communications, Inc. 612 541 9900 info@protocom.com
508 Argo Communications 508 261 6121 info@argo.net
508 Channel 1 617 864 0100 support@channel1.com
508 CompUtopia 401 732 5588 allan@computopia.com
508 The Destek Group, Inc. 603 635 3857 inquire@destek.net
508 Empire.Net, Inc. 603 889 1220 info@empire.net
508 FOURnet Information Network 508 291 2900 info@four.net
508 The Internet Access Company (TIAC) 617 276 7200 info@tiac.net
508 The Internet Connection, Inc. 508 261 0383 info@ici.net
508 intuitive information, inc. 508 342 1100 info@iii.net
508 Kersur Technologies, Inc. 508 384 1404 info@kerser.net
508 MV Communications, Inc. 603 429 2223 info@mv.mv.com
508 PICTAC 508 999 1565 sales@pictac.com
508 Pioneer Global Telecommunications, Inc. 617 375 0200 info@pn.com
508 Plymouth Commercial Internet Exchange 617 741 5900 info@pcix.com
508 Saturn Internet Corporation 617 451 9121 info@saturn.net
508 Shore.Net 617 593 3110 info@shore.net
508 StarNet 508 922 8238 info@venus.star.net
508 TerraNet, Inc. 617 450 9000 info@terra.net
508 UltraNet Communications, Inc. 508 229 8400 info@ultranet.com
508 USAinternet, Inc. 800 236 9737 info@usa1.com
508 The World 617 739 0202 info@world.std.com
508 Wilder Systems, Inc. 617 933 8810 info@id.wing.net
509 Cascade Connections, Inc. 509 663 4259 carrie@cascade.net
509 Interconnected Associates Inc. (IXA) 206 622 7337 mike@ixa.com
509 Internet On-Ramp, Inc. 509 624 RAMP info@on-ramp.ior.com
509 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
509 Structured Network Systems, Inc. 503 656 3530 info@structured.net
509 Transport Logic 503 243 1940 sales@transport.com
509 WLN 800 342 5956 info@wln.com
510 A-Link Network Services, Inc. 408 720 6161 info@alink.net
510 Aimnet Information Services 408 257 0900 info@aimnet.com
510 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
510 Beckemeyer Development 510 530 9637 info@bdt.com
510 BTR Communications Company 415 966 1429 support@btr.com
510 Community ConneXion - NEXUS-Berkeley 510 549 1383 info@c2.org
510 Direct Net Access Incorporated 510 649 6110 support@dnai.com
510 emf.net 510 704 2929 sales@emf.net
510 Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
*510 GST Net 510 792 0768 info@gst.net
510 Idiom Consulting 510 644 0441 info@idiom.com
510 InterNex Tiara 408 496 5466 info@internex.net
510 LanMinds, Inc. 510 843 6389 info@lanminds.com
510 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
510 LineX Communications 415 455 1650 info@linex.com
510 MobiusNet 415 821 0600 info@mobius.net
510 Network Solutions 408 946 6895 info@inow.com
510 San Francisco Online (Televolve, Inc.) 415 861 7712 info@sfo.com
510 Sirius 415 284 4700 info@sirius.com
510 SLIPNET 415 281 3132 info@slip.net
510 22 Solutions 415 431 9903 info@catch22.com
510 Ultima Tool 415 775 8960 info@ultima.org
510 Value Net Internetwork Services 510 943 5769 info@value.net
510 West Coast Online 707 586 3060 info@calon.com
510 Zocalo Engineering 510 540 8000 info@zocalo.net
512 @sig.net 512 306 0700 sales@aus.sig.net
*512 CVTV - Internet 800 247 8885 cyndyz@cvtv.net
512 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
512 The Eden Matrix 512 478 9900 info@eden.com
512 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
512 Illuminati Online 512 462 0999 info@io.com
512 Internet Connect Services, Inc. 512 572 9987 info@icsi.net
512 Onramp Access, Inc. 512 322 9200 info@onr.com
512 OuterNet Connection Strategies 512 345 3573 question@outer.net
512 Real/Time Communications 512 451 0046 info@realtime.net
512 Turning Point Information Services, Inc. 512 499 8400 info@tpoint.net
512 Zilker Internet Park, Inc. 512 206 3850 info@zilker.net
513 The Dayton Network Access Company 513 237 6868 info@dnaco.net
513 IgLou Internet Services 800 436 4456 info@iglou.com
513 Internet Access Cincinnati 513 887 8877 info@iac.net
513 Local Internet Gateway Co. 510 503 9227 sdw@lig.net
513 OARnet (corporate clients only) 614 728 8100 info@oar.net
513 Premier Internet Cincinnati, Inc. 513 561 6245 pic@cinti.net
514 Accent Internet 514 737 6077 admin@accent.net
514 autoroute.net 514 333 3145 info@autoroute.net
514 CiteNet Telecom Inc. 514 721 1351 info@citenet.net
514 Communication Accessibles Montreal 514 288 2581 info@cam.org
514 Communications Inter-Acces 514 367 0002 info@interax.net
514 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
514 Odyssee Internet 514 861 3432 info@odyssee.net
514 UUNET Canada, Inc. 416 368 6621 info@uunet.ca
515 Freese-Notis Weather.Net 515 282 9310 hfreese@weather.net
515 ia.net 319 393 1095 info@ia.net
515 JTM MultiMedia, Inc. 515 277 1990 jtm@ecity.net
515 Minnesota OnLine 612 225 1110 info@mn.state.net
515 Synergy Communications, Inc. 800 345 9669 info@synergy.net
516 ASB Internet Services 516 981 1953 info@asb.com
516 Creative Data Consultants (SILLY.COM) 718 229 0489 info@silly.com
516 Echo Communications Group 212 255 3839 info@echonyc.com
516 I-2000 Inc. 800 464 3820 info@i-2000.com
516 INTAC Access Corporation 800 504 6822 info@intac.com
516 LI Net, Inc. 516 476 1168 info@li.net
516 Lightning Internet Services, LLC 516 248 8400 sales@lightning.net
516 Long Island Information, Inc. 516 294 0124 info@liii.com
516 Long Island Internet HeadQuarters 516 439 7800 support@pb.net
516 Network Internet Services 516 543 0234 info@netusa.net
516 New World Data 718 962 1725 dmk@nwdc.com
516 NYSERNet 800 493 4367 sales@nysernet.org
516 Panix (Public Access uNIX) 212 741 4400 info@panix.com
516 Pipeline New York 212 267 3636 info@pipeline.com
516 Real Life Pictures RealNet 212 366 4434 reallife@walrus.com
516 ZONE One Network Exchange 212 824 4000 info@zone.net
517 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
517 Freeway Inc. (tm) 616 347 2400 info@freeway.net
517 The Internet Ramp 800 502 0620 newaccts@tir.com
517 Mich.com, Inc. 810 478 4300 info@mich.com
517 Msen, Inc. 313 998 4562 info@msen.com
*517 Voyager Information Networks, Inc. 517 485 9068 help@voyager.net
518 AlbanyNet 518 462 6262 info@albany.net
518 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
518 Global One, Inc. 518 452 1465 lorin@global1.net
518 Klink Net Communications 518 725 3000 admin@klink.net
518 NetHeaven 800 910 6671 info@netheaven.com
518 NYSERNet 800 493 4367 sales@nysernet.org
518 SoVerNet, Inc. 802 463 2111 info@sover.net
518 Wizvax Communications 518 273 4325 info@wizvax.com
519 Electro-Byte Technologies 519 332 8235 info@ebtech.net
519 Execulink Internet Services Corporation 519 451 4288 info@execulink.com
519 headwaters network 519 940 9252 sales@headwaters.com
519 HookUp Communications 905 847 8000 info@hookup.net
519 HyperNet 519 652 3790 Admin@L2.lonet.ca
519 Information Gateway Services 519 884 7200 info@kw.igs.net
519 Inter*Com Information Services 519 679 1620 info@icis.on.ca
519 Magic Online Services International Inc. 416 591 6490 info@magic.ca
519 MGL Systems Computer Technologies Inc. 519 836 1295 info@mgl.ca
519 Network Enterprise Technology Inc. 905 525 4555 info@netinc.ca
519 UUNET Canada, Inc. 416 368 6621 info@uunet.ca
519 Windsor Infromation Network Company 519 945 9462 kim@wincom.net
520 InfoMagic, Inc 520 526 9565 info@infomagic.com
520 Internet Direct, Inc. 800 879 3624 info@direct.net
520 Opus One 602 324 0494 sales@opus1.com
520 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
520 RTD Systems & Networking, Inc. 602 318 0696 info@rtd.com
520 Sedona Internet Services, Inc. 520 204 2247 info@sedona.net
540 Cyber Services, Inc. 703 749 9590 info@cs.com
541 aVastNet 503 263 0912 info@vastnet.com
601 A2ZNET 901 854 1871 webmaster@a2znet.com
601 Datasync Internet Services 601 872 0001 info@datasync.com
*601 Gulfcoast On-Line Development, Inc. 601 864 2423 info@goldinc.com
601 Hub City Area Access 601 268 6156 info@hub1.hubcity.com
602 Crossroads Communications 602 813 9040 crossroads@xroads.com
602 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
602 InfoMagic, Inc 520 526 9565 info@infomagic.com
602 Internet Direct, Inc. 800 879 3624 info@direct.net
602 Internet Express 719 592 1240 info@usa.net
602 New Mexico Technet, Inc. 505 345 6555 granoff@technet.nm.org
602 Opus One 602 324 0494 sales@opus1.com
602 Phoenix Computer Specialists 602 265 9188 info@pcslink.com
602 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
602 RTD Systems & Networking, Inc. 602 318 0696 info@rtd.com
602 StarLink Internet Services 602 878 7001 sysop@starlink.com
602 Systems Solutions Inc. 602 955 5566 support@syspac.com
603 Agate Internet Services 207 947 8248 ais@agate.net
603 Empire.Net, Inc. 603 889 1220 info@empire.net
603 The Destek Group, Inc. 603 635 3857 inquire@destek.net
603 MV Communications, Inc. 603 429 2223 info@mv.mv.com
603 NETIS Public Access Internet 603 437 1811 epoole@leotech.mv.com
603 Rocket Science Computer Services, Inc. 603 334 6444 info@rscs.com
603 SoVerNet, Inc. 802 463 2111 info@sover.net
603 StarNet 508 922 8238 info@venus.star.net
603 UltraNet Communications, Inc. 508 229 8400 info@ultranet.com
604 AMT Solutions Group, Inc. Island Net 604 727 6030 info@islandnet.com
604 auroraNET Inc. 604 294 4357 sales@aurora.net
604 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
604 Fairview Technology Centre Ltd. 604 498 4316 bwklatt@ftcnet.com
604 The InterNet Shop Inc. 604 376 3719 info@netshop.net
604 Mind Link! 604 534 5663 info@mindlink.bc.ca
604 Okanagan Internet Junction 604 549 1036 info@junction.net
604 Sunshine Net, Inc. 604 886 4120 admin@sunshine.net
604 UUNET Canada, Inc. 416 368 6621 info@uunet.ca
605 Internet Services of the Black Hills 605 642 2244 postmaster@blackhills.com
605 Pioneer Internet 712 271 0101 info@pionet.net
606 IgLou Internet Services 800 436 4456 info@iglou.com
606 Internet Access Cincinnati 513 887 8877 info@iac.net
606 Mikrotec Internet Services, Inc. 606 225 1488 info@mis.net
606 RAM Technologies Inc. 800 950 1726 info@ramlink.net
607 Art Matrix - Lightlink 607 277 0959 info@lightlink.com
607 Clarity Connect, Inc. 607 257 2070 chuck@baka.com
607 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
607 NYSERNet 800 493 4367 sales@nysernet.org
607 ServiceTech, Inc. 716 263 3360 info@servtech.com
607 Spectra.net 607 798 7300 info@spectra.net
608 BOSSNet Internet Services 608 362 1340 mbusam@bossnt.com
608 Exec-PC, Inc. 414 789 4200 info@execpc.com
608 FullFeed Communications 608 246 4239 info@fullfeed.com
609 CyberComm Online Services 908 506 6651 info@cybercomm.net
609 Cyberenet (Kaps, Inc.) 609 753 9840 access-sales@cyberenet.net
609 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
609 Eclipse Internet Access 800 483 1223 info@eclipse.net
609 InterActive Network Services 609 227 6380 info@jersey.net
609 K2NE Software 609 893 0673 vince-q@k2nesoft.com
609 Net Access 215 576 8669 support@netaxs.com
609 New Jersey Computer Connection 609 896 2799 info@pluto.njcc.com
609 Texel International 908 297 0290 info@texel.com
609 VoiceNet 800 835 5710 info@voicenet.com
610 Cheap Net 302 993 8420 sammy@ravenet.com
610 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
610 ENTER.Net 610 366 1300 info@enter.net
610 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
610 FishNet 610 337 9994 info@pond.com
610 GlobalQUEST, Inc. 610 696 8111 info@globalquest.net
610 Internet Tidal Wave 610 770 6187 steve@itw.com
610 InterNetworking Technologies 302 398 4369 itnt.com@itnt.com
610 The Magnetic Page 302 651 9753 info@magpage.com
610 Microserve Information Systems 717 779 4430 info@microserve.com
610 Net Access 215 576 8669 support@netaxs.com
610 Network Analysis Group 800 624 9240 nag@good.freedom.net
610 Night Vision 610 366 9767 info@n-vision.com
610 SSNet, Inc. 302 378 1386 info@ssnet.com
610 Oasis Telecommunications, Inc. 610 439 8560 staff@oasis.ot.com
610 OpNet 610 520 2880 info@op.net
610 RaveNet Systems Inc 302 993 8420 waltemus@ravenet.com
610 VivaNET, Inc. 800 836 UNIX info@vivanet.com
610 VoiceNet 800 835 5710 info@voicenet.com
610 You Tools Corporation / FASTNET 610 954 5910 info@fast.net
612 Cloudnet 612 240 8243 info@cloudnet.com
612 DCC Inc. 612 378 4000 kgastony@dcc.com
612 Freese-Notis Weather.Net 515 282 9310 hfreese@weather.net
612 GlobalCom 612 920 9920 info@globalc.com
612 James River Group Inc 612 339 2521 jriver@jriver.jriver.COM
612 Millennium Communications, Inc. 612 338 5509 info@millcomm.com
612 Minnesota OnLine 612 225 1110 info@mn.state.net
612 Minnesota Regional Network 612 342 2570 info@mr.net
612 Orbis Internet Services, Inc. 612 645 9663 info@orbis.net
612 pclink.com 612 541 5656 infomatic@pclink.com
612 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
612 Protocol Communications, Inc. 612 541 9900 info@protocom.com
612 Sound Communications Internet 612 722 8470 root@scc.net
612 StarNet Communications, Inc. 612 941 9177 info@winternet.com
612 Synergy Communications, Inc. 800 345 9669 info@synergy.net
612 Vector Internet Services Inc. 612 288 0880 info@visi.com
613 autoroute.net 514 333 3145 info@autoroute.net
613 Cyberius Online Inc. 613 233 1215 info@cyberus.ca
613 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
613 Information Gateway Services (Ottawa) 613 592 5619 info@igs.net
613 Interactive Telecom Inc. 613 727 5258 info@intertel.net
613 HookUp Communications 905 847 8000 info@hookup.net
613 Magma Communications Ltd. 613 228 3565 info@magmacom.com
613 o://info.web 613 225 3354 kevin@magi.com
613 UUNET Canada, Inc. 416 368 6621 info@uunet.ca
614 ASCInet (Columbus) 614 798 5321 info@ascinet.com
614 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
614 Internet Access Cincinnati 513 887 8877 info@iac.net
614 OARnet (corporate clients only) 614 728 8100 info@oar.net
614 RAM Technologies Inc. 800 950 1726 info@ramlink.net
615 accessU.S. Inc. 800 638 6373 info@accessus.net
615 ERC, Inc. / The Edge 615 455 9915 staff@edge.ercnet.com
615 First Internet Resources 800 577 5969 jcarter@1stresource.com
615 GoldSword Systems 615 691 6498 info@goldsword.com
615 ISDN-Net Inc 615 377 7672 jdunlap@rex.isdn.net
615 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
615 Preferred Internet, Inc. 615 323 1142 info@preferred.com
615 The Telalink Corporation 615 321 9100 sales@telalink.net
615 The Tri-Cities Connection 615 378 5355 info@tricon.net
615 U.S. Internet 615 522 6788 info@usit.net
615 Virtual Interactive Center 423 544 7902 info@vic.com
616 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
616 Freeway Inc. (tm) 616 347 2400 info@freeway.net
616 The iserv Co. 616 281 5254 info@iserv.net
616 Mich.com, Inc. 810 478 4300 info@mich.com
616 Msen, Inc. 313 998 4562 info@msen.com
616 NetLink Systems L.L.C. 616 345 LINK info@serv01.net-link.net
616 Novagate Communications Corp. 616 847 0910 info@novagate.com
616 RustNet, Inc. 810 650 6812 info@rust.net
616 Traverse Communication Company 616 935 1705 info@traverse.com
*616 Voyager Information Networks, Inc. 517 485 9068 help@voyager.net
617 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
617 Argo Communications 508 261 6121 info@argo.net
617 Channel 1 617 864 0100 support@channel1.com
617 CompUtopia 401 732 5588 allan@computopia.com
617 COWZ Technologies 617 497 0058 system@cow.net
617 Cyber Access Internet Communications, Inc 617 396 0491 info@cybercom.net
617 FOURnet Information Network 508 291 2900 info@four.net
617 The Internet Access Company (TIAC) 617 276 7200 info@tiac.net
617 The Internet Connection, Inc. 508 261 0383 info@ici.net
617 intuitive information, inc. 508 342 1100 info@iii.net
617 Pioneer Global Telecommunications, Inc. 617 375 0200 info@pn.com
617 Plymouth Commercial Internet Exchange 617 741 5900 info@pcix.com
617 Saturn Internet Corporation 617 451 9121 info@saturn.net
617 Shore.Net 617 593 3110 info@shore.net
617 TerraNet, Inc. 617 450 9000 info@terra.net
617 UltraNet Communications, Inc. 508 229 8400 info@ultranet.com
617 USAinternet, Inc. 800 236 9737 info@usa1.com
617 The World 617 739 0202 info@world.std.com
617 Wilder Systems, Inc. 617 933 8810 info@id.wing.net
617 The Xensei Corporation 617 376 6342 info@xensei.com
618 accessU.S. Inc. 800 638 6373 info@accessus.net
618 Allied Access Inc. 618 684 2255 sales@intrnet.net
618 Applied Personal Computing Inc. 618 632 7282 spider@apci.net
618 Online Information Access Network 618 692 9813 info@oia.net
618 MVP-Net, Inc. 314 731 2252 info@MO.NET
619 CONNECTnet Internet Network Services 619 450 0254 info@connectnet.com
619 CTS Network Services 619 637 3637 info@cts.com
619 Cyberg8t Internet Services 909 398 4638 sales@cyberg8t.com
619 Delta Internet Services 714 778 0370 info@deltanet.com
619 The Cyberspace Station 619 634 2894 info@cyber.net
619 Electriciti 619 338 9000 info@powergrid.electriciti.com
619 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
619 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
619 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
619 RidgeNET 619 371 3501 saic@owens.ridgecrest.ca.us
619 Sierra-Net 702 831 3353 giles@sierra.net
619 WANet, Software Design Associates, Inc. 619 679 5900 info@WANet.net
701 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
701 Red River Net 701 232 2227 info@rrnet.com
702 @wizard.com 702 871 4461 info@wizard.com
702 Connectus, Inc. 702 323 2008 info@connectus.com
702 Great Basin Internet Services 702 829 2244 info@greatbasin.com
702 InterMind 702 878 6111 support@terminus.intermind.net
702 NETConnect 800 689 8001 office@tcd.net
702 Sierra-Net 702 831 3353 giles@sierra.net
702 Skylink Networks, Inc. 702 368 0700 sales@skylink.net
703 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
703 CAPCON Library Network 202 331 5771 info@capcon.net
703 Charm.Net 410 558 3900 info@charm.net
703 Clark Internet Services, Inc. ClarkNet 410 995 0691 info@clark.net
703 Cyber Services, Inc. 703 749 9590 info@cs.com
703 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
703 Genuine Computing Resources 703 878 4680 info@gcr.com
703 Internet Online, Inc. 301 652 4468 info@intr.net
703 Interpath 800 849 6305 info@interpath.net
703 LaserNet 703 591 4232 info@laser.net
703 Preferred Internet, Inc. 615 323 1142 info@preferred.com
703 Quantum Networking Solutions, Inc. 805 538 2028 info@qnet.com
703 RadixNet Internet Services 301 567 9831 info@radix.net
703 Smartnet Internet Services, LLC 410 792 4555 info@smart.net
703 UltraPlex Information Providers 410 880 4604 info@upx.net
703 Universal Telecomm Corporation 703 758 0550 root@utc.net
703 US Net, Incorporated 301 572 5926 info@us.net
703 World Web Limited 703 838 2000 info@worldweb.net
703 Xpress Internet Services 301 601 5050 info@xis.com
704 Interpath 800 849 6305 info@interpath.net
704 SunBelt.Net 803 328 1500 info@sunbelt.net
704 Vnet Internet Access 704 334 3282 info@vnet.net
705 Barrie Connex Inc. 705 725 0819 info@bconnex.net
705 Magic Online Services International Inc. 416 591 6490 info@magic.ca
705 Mindemoya Computing 705 523 0243 info@mcd.on.ca
705 Neptune Internet Services 905 895 0898 info@neptune.on.ca
705 SooNet Corporation 705 253 4700 service@soonet.ca
706 Athens' ISP, Inc. 706 613 0611 info@athens.net
706 InteliNet 803 279 9775 administrator@intelinet.net
*706 internet@Dalton 706 673 4715 support@dalton.net
706 Internet Atlanta 404 410 9000 info@atlanta.com
706 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
707 Beckemeyer Development 510 530 9637 info@bdt.com
707 CASTLES Information Network 707 422 7311 info@castles.com
707 Datatamers 415 367 7919 info@datatamers.com
707 InReach Internet Communications 800 446 7324 info@inreach.com
707 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
707 Value Net Internetwork Services 510 943 5769 info@value.net
707 West Coast Online 707 586 3060 info@calon.com
707 Zocalo Engineering 510 540 8000 info@zocalo.net
708 American Information Systems, Inc. 708 413 8400 info@ais.net
708 CICNet, Inc. 313 998 6103 info@cic.net
708 CIN.net Computerese Information Network 708 310 1188 info@cin.net
708 Compunet Technology Consultants 708 355 XNET webmaster@ms.com-punet.com
708 I Connection, Inc. 708 662 0877 info@iconnect.net
708 InterAccess Co. 708 498 2542 info@interaccess.com
708 Interactive Network Systems, Inc. 312 881 3039 info@insnet.com
708 MCSNet 312 248 8649 info@mcs.net
708 Ripco Communications, Inc. 312 477 6210 info@ripco.com
708 TensorNet Co. 708 665 3637 info@tensornet.com
708 Tezcatlipoca, Inc. 312 850 0181 info@tezcat.com
708 Wink Communications Group, Inc. 708 310 9465 sales@winkcomm.com
708 WorldWide Access 708 367 1870 info@wwa.com
708 XNet Information Systems 708 983 6064 info@xnet.com
709 InterActions Limited 709 745 4638 connect@nfld.com
712 Freese-Notis Weather.Net 515 282 9310 hfreese@weather.net
712 Greater Omaha Public Access Unix Corp 402 558 5030 info@gonix.com
712 ia.net 319 393 1095 info@ia.net
712 The Online Pitstop 402 291 1542 bob@top.net
712 Pioneer Internet 712 271 0101 info@pionet.net
712 ProLinx Communications, Inc. 402 551 3036 techsupport@nfinity.nfinity.com
712 Synergy Communications, Inc. 800 345 9669 info@synergy.net
712 Zelcom International, Incorporated 402 333 2441 administration-dept@zelcom.com
713 Alternet (UUNET Technologies, Inc.) 703 204 8000 info@alter.net
713 The Black Box 713 480 2684 info@blkbox.com
713 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
713 ELECTROTEX, Inc. 713 526 3456 info@electrotex.com
713 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
713 Internet Connect Services, Inc. 512 572 9987 info@icsi.net
713 NeoSoft, Inc. 713 684 5969 info@neosoft.com
713 OnRamp Technologies, Inc. 214 746 4710 info@onramp.net
713 South Coast Computing Services, Inc. 713 917 5000 info@houston.net
713 USiS 713 682 1666 admin@usis.com
714 Argonet 714 261 7511 postmaster@argonet.net
714 ArtNetwork 800 395 0692 info@artnet.net
714 Business Access Technologies 714 577 8978 Techs@batech.com
714 Cloverleaf Communications 714 895 3075 sales@cloverleaf.com
714 Cogent Software, Inc. 818 585 2788 info@cogsoft.com
714 CruzNet 714 680 6600 info@cruznet.net
714 DPC Systems Beach.Net 714 443 4172 connect@beach.net
714 Delta Internet Services 714 778 0370 info@deltanet.com
714 DigiLink Network Services 310 542 7421 info@digilink.net
714 EDM NetWORK 714 476 0416 info@edm.net
714 Electriciti 619 338 9000 info@powergrid.electriciti.com
714 Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
714 InterNex Tiara 408 496 5466 info@internex.net
714 KAIWAN Internet 714 638 2139 info@kaiwan.com
714 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
714 Lightside, Inc. 818 858 9261 Lightside@Lightside.Com
714 The Loop Internet Switch Co. 213 465 1311 info@loop.com
714 Network Intensive 714 450 8400 info@ni.net
714 OutWest Network Services 818 545 1996 info@outwest.net
714 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
714 QuickNet, Inc. 714 969 1091 sales@quick.net
715 FullFeed Communications 608 246 4239 info@fullfeed.com
715 Minnesota OnLine 612 225 1110 info@mn.state.net
716 Blue Moon Online System Internet Svcs 716 447 5629 sales@net.bluemoon.net
716 BuffNET 800 463 6499 info@buffnet.net
716 E-Znet, Inc. 716 262 2485
716 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
716 NYSERNet 800 493 4367 sales@nysernet.org
716 ServiceTech, Inc. 716 263 3360 info@servtech.com
716 VivaNET, Inc. 800 836 UNIX info@vivanet.com
717 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
717 The Internet Cafe 717 344 1969 info@lydian.scranton.com
717 Keystone Information Access Systems 717 741 2626 office@yrkpa.kias.com
717 Microserve Information Systems 717 779 4430 info@microserve.com
717 Oasis Telecommunications, Inc. 610 439 8560 staff@oasis.ot.com
717 PenNet 717 368 1577 safrye@pennet.net
717 Red Rose SuperNet 800 222 2517 info@redrose.net
717 Spectra.net 607 798 7300 info@spectra.net
717 VoiceNet 800 835 5710 info@voicenet.com
717 You Tools Corporation / FASTNET 610 954 5910 info@fast.net
718 Advanced Standards, Inc advn.com 212 302 3366 kolian@advn.com
718 Blythe Systems 212 226 7171 infodesk@blythe.org
718 BrainLINK 718 805 6559 info@beast.brainlink.com
718 Creative Data Consultants (SILLY.COM) 718 229 0489 info@silly.com
718 escape.com - Kazan Corp 212 888 8780 info@escape.com
718 Ingress Communications Inc. 212 679 2838 info@ingress.com
718 INTAC Access Corporation 800 504 6822 info@intac.com
718 Intellitech Walrus 212 406 5000 info@walrus.com
*718 Intercall, Inc 800 758 7329 sales@intercall.com
718 InterCom Online 212 714 7183 info@intercom.com
718 Internet QuickLink Corp. 212 307 1669 info@quicklink.com
718 Interport Communications Corp. 212 989 1128 info@interport.net
718 Lightning Internet Services, LLC 516 248 8400 sales@lightning.net
718 Long Island Information, Inc. 516 294 0124 info@liii.com
718 Long Island Internet HeadQuarters 516 439 7800 support@pb.net
718 Mnematics, Incorporated 914 359 4546 service@mne.com
718 Mordor International BBS 201 433 4222 ritz@mordor.com
718 New World Data 718 962 1725 dmk@nwdc.com
718 Panix (Public Access uNIX) 212 741 4400 info@panix.com
718 Phantom Access Technologies, Inc. 212 989 2418 bruce@phantom.com
718 Pipeline New York 212 267 3636 info@pipeline.com
718 Real Life Pictures RealNet 212 366 4434 reallife@walrus.com
718 Spacelab.Net 212 966 8844 mike@mxol.com
718 ThoughtPort of New York City 212 645 7970 info@precipice.com
718 tunanet/InfoHouse 212 229 8224 info@tunanet.com
718 ZONE One Network Exchange 212 824 4000 info@zone.net
719 Colorado SuperNet, Inc. 303 296 8202 info@csn.org
719 Internet Express 719 592 1240 info@usa.net
719 Old Colorado City Communications 719 528 5849 thefox@oldcolo.com
719 Rocky Mountain Internet 800 900 7644 info@rmii.com
770 Digital Service Consultants Inc. 770 455 9022 info@dscga.com
770 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
770 Paradise Communications, Inc. 404 980 0078 info@paradise.net
770 Random Access, Inc. 404 804 1190 sales@randomc.com
770 vividnet 770 933 0999 webadmin@vivid.net
801 I-Link Ltd 800 ILINK 99 info@i-link.net
801 Internet Technology Systems (ITS) 801 375 0538 admin@itsnet.com
801 NETConnect 800 689 8001 office@tcd.net
801 The ThoughtPort Authority Inc. 800 ISP 6870 info@thoughtport.com
801 Utah Wired/The Friendly Net 801 532 1117 sales@utw.com
801 Vyzynz International 801 568 0999 info@vii.com
801 XMission 801 539 0852 support@xmission.com
802 The Plainfield Bypass 802 426 3963 questions@plainfield.bypass.com
802 SoVerNet, Inc. 802 463 2111 info@sover.net
803 A World of Difference, Inc. 803 769 4488 info@awod.com
803 CetLink.Net 803 327 2754 info@cetlink.net
803 Global Vision Inc. 803 241 0901 info@globalvision.net
803 Hargray Telephone Company 803 686 5000 info@hargray.com
803 InteliNet 803 279 9775 administrator@intelinet.net
803 Interpath 800 849 6305 info@interpath.net
803 SIMS, Inc. 803 762 4956 info@sims.net
803 South Carolina SuperNet, Inc. 803 212 4400 info@scsn.net
803 SunBelt.Net 803 328 1500 info@sunbelt.net
803 Teleplex Communications, Inc. 803 585 PLEX info@teleplex.net
804 Widomaker Communication Service 804 253 7621 bloyall@widowmaker.com
805 The Catalina BBS InterNet Services fax->805 687 1185 help@catalina.org
805 The Central Connection 818 735 3000 info@centcon.com
805 Cogent Software, Inc. 818 585 2788 info@cogsoft.com
805 Delta Internet Services 714 778 0370 info@deltanet.com
805 Fishnet Internet Services, Inc 805 650 1844 info@fishnet.net
805 Instant Internet Corporation (InstaNet) 818 772 0097 charlyg@instanet.com
805 Internet Access of Ventura County 805 383 3500 info@vcnet.com
805 KAIWAN Internet 714 638 2139 info@kaiwan.com
*805 KTB Internet Online 818 240 6600 info@ktb.net
805 Lancaster Internet (California) 805 943 2112 dennis@gargamel.ptw.com
805 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
805 The Loop Internet Switch Co. 213 465 1311 info@loop.com
805 Netport Internet Access 805 538 2860 info@netport.com
805 Network Intensive 714 450 8400 info@ni.net
805 OutWest Network Services 818 545 1996 OWInfo@outwest.com
805 Quantum Networking Solutions, Inc. 805 538 2028 info@qnet.com
805 Regional Alliance for Info Networking 805 967 7246 info@rain.org
*805 Saigon Enterprises 818 246 0689 info@saigon.net
805 Silicon Beach Communications 805 730 7740 help@silcom.com
805 Tehachapi Mountain Internet 805 822 7803 info@tminet.com
805 ValleyNet Communications 209 486 8638 info@valleynet.com
805 WestNet Communications, Inc. 805 892 2133 info@west.net
*806 HubNet 806 792 4482 info@HUB.ofthe.NET
806 OnRamp Technologies, Inc. 214 746 4710 info@onramp.net
807 Pronet Internet Services 807 622 5915 info@mail.procom.net
808 FlexNet Inc. 808 732 8849 info@aloha.com
808 Hawaii OnLine 808 533 6981 support@aloha.net
808 Inter-Pacific Network Services 808 935 5550 sales@interpac.net
808 LavaNet, Inc. 808 545 5282 info@lava.net
808 Pacific Information Exchange, Inc. 808 596 7494 info@pixi.com
810 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
810 Freeway Inc. (tm) 616 347 2400 info@freeway.net
*810 Great Lakes Information Systems 810 786 0454 info@glis.net
810 ICNET / Innovative Concepts 313 998 0090 info@ic.net
810 The Internet Ramp 800 502 0620 newaccts@tir.com
810 Michigan Internet Cooperative Association 810 355 1438 info@coop.mica.net
810 Mich.com, Inc. 810 478 4300 info@mich.com
810 Msen, Inc. 313 998 4562 info@msen.com
810 RustNet, Inc. 810 650 6812 info@rust.net
*810 Voyager Information Networks, Inc. 517 485 9068 help@voyager.net
812 accessU.S. Inc. 800 638 6373 info@accessus.net
812 HolliCom Internet Services 317 883 4500 cale@holli.com
812 IgLou Internet Services 800 436 4456 info@iglou.com
812 World Connection Services 812 479 1700 info@evansville.net
813 Bay-A-Net 813 988 7772 info@bayanet.com
813 Centurion Technology, Inc. 813 538 1919 info@tpa.cent.com
813 CFTnet 813 980 1317 sales@cftnet.com
813 CocoNet Corporation 813 945 0055 info@coconet.com
813 CyberGate, Inc. 305 428 4283 sales@gate.net
813 Florida Online 407 635 8888 info@digital.net
813 Intelligence Network Online, Inc. x22 -> 813 442 0114 info@intnet.net
813 PacketWorks, Inc. 813 446 8826 info@packet.net
*813 Shadow Information Services, Inc. 305 594 2450 admin@shadow.net
813 The ThoughtPort Authority Inc. 800 ISP 6870 info@thoughtport.com
813 WebIMAGE, an internet presence provider 407 723 0001 info@webimage.com
814 North Coast Internet 814 838 6386 info@ncinter.net
814 Penncom Internet Co. 814 723 4141 admin@penn.com
814 PenNet 717 368 1577 safrye@pennet.net
815 American Information Systems, Inc. 708 413 8400 info@ais.net
815 BOSSNet Internet Services 608 362 1340 mbusam@bossnt.com
815 CIN.net Computerese Information Network 708 310 1188 info@cin.net
815 InterAccess Co. 708 498 2542 info@interaccess.com
815 The Software Farm 815 246 7295 info@softfarm.com
815 T.B.C. Online Data-Net 815 758 5040 info@tbcnet.com
815 Wink Communications Group, Inc. 708 310 9465 sales@winkcomm.com
816 fyi@unicom.net 913 383 8466 fyi@unicom.net
816 Interstate Networking Corporation 816 472 4949 staff@interstate.net
816 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
817 Association for Computing Machinery 817 776 6876 account-info@acm.org
817 CompuTek 214 994 0190 info@computek.net
817 Connection Technologies - ConnectNet 214 490 7100 sales@connect.net
817 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
817 DFW Internet Services, Inc. 817 332 5116 info@dfw.net
817 OnRamp Technologies, Inc. 214 746 4710 info@onramp.net
817 Texas Metronet, Inc. 214 705 2900 info@metronet.com
818 ArtNetwork 800 395 0692 info@artnet.net
818 BeachNet Internet Access 310 823 3308 info@beachnet.com
818 The Central Connection 818 735 3000 info@centcon.com
818 Cogent Software, Inc. 818 585 2788 info@cogsoft.com
818 CruzNet 714 680 6600 info@cruznet.net
818 Cyberg8t Internet Services 909 398 4638 sales@cyberg8t.com
818 Delta Internet Services 714 778 0370 info@deltanet.com
818 DigiLink Network Services 310 542 7421 info@digilink.net
818 Exodus Communications, Inc. 408 522 8450 info@exodus.net
818 Flamingo Communications Inc. 310 532 3533 sales@fcom.com
818 InterNex Tiara 408 496 5466 info@internex.net
818 Instant Internet Corporation (InstaNet) 818 772 0097 charlyg@instanet.com
818 KAIWAN Internet 714 638 2139 info@kaiwan.com
*818 KTB Internet Online 818 240 6600 info@ktb.net
818 Leonardo Internet 310 395 5500 jimp@leonardo.net
818 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
818 Lightside, Inc. 818 858 9261 Lightside@Lightside.Com
818 The Loop Internet Switch Co. 213 465 1311 info@loop.com
818 Network Intensive 714 450 8400 info@ni.net
818 Online-LA 310 967 8000 sales@online-la.com
818 OutWest Network Services 818 545 1996 info@outwest.net
818 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
818 QuickCom Internet Communcations 213 634 7735 info@quickcom.net
818 Regional Alliance for Info Networking 805 967 7246 info@rain.org
*818 Saigon Enterprises 818 246 0689 info@saigon.net
818 ViaNet Communications 415 903 2242 info@via.net
819 Information Gateway Services (Ottawa) 613 592 5619 info@igs.net
819 Interactive Telecom Inc. 613 727 5258 info@intertel.net
819 Magma Communications Ltd. 613 228 3565 info@magmacom.com
819 o://info.web 613 225 3354 kevin@magi.com
860 Connix: Connecticut Internet Exchange 860 349 7059 office@connix.com
860 imagine.com 860 527 9245 Postmaster@imagine.com
860 MCIX, Inc. 860 572 8720 info@mcix.com
860 Mindport Internet Services, Inc. 860 892 2081 staff@mindport.net
860 Paradigm Communications, Inc. 203 250 7397 info@pcnet.com
864 Global Vision Inc. 803 241 0901 info@globalvision.net
901 accessU.S. Inc. 800 638 6373 info@accessus.net
901 A2ZNET 901 854 1871 webmaster@a2znet.com
901 ISDN-Net Inc 615 377 7672 jdunlap@rex.isdn.net
901 Magibox Incorporated 901 757 7835 info@magibox.net
901 U.S. Internet 615 522 6788 info@usit.net
902 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
903 Cloverleaf Technologies 903 832 1367 helpdesk@clover.cleaf.com
903 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
*903 Rapid Ramp, Inc. 903 759 0705 help@rapidramp.com
903 StarNet Online Systems 903 785 5533 lrhea@stargate.1starnet.com
904 CyberGate, Inc. 305 428 4283 sales@gate.net
904 Florida Online 407 635 8888 info@digital.net
904 Gulf Coast Internet Company 904 438 5700 info@gulf.net
904 Internet Connect Company 904 375 2912 info@atlantic.net
904 Jax Gateway to the World 904 730 7692 sales@gttw.com
904 MagicNet, Inc. 407 657 2202 info@magicnet.net
904 Polaris Network, Inc. 904 878 9745 staff@polaris.net
904 PSS InterNet Services 800 463 8499 support@america.com
904 SymNet 904 385 1061 info@symnet.net
904 WebIMAGE, an internet presence provider 407 723 0001 info@webimage.com
905 ComputerLink/Internet Direct 416 233 7150 info@idirect.com
905 Cycor Communications Incorporated 902 892 7354 signup@cycor.ca
905 eagle.ca - Northumbria Associates 905 373 9313 info@eagle.ca
905 HookUp Communications 905 847 8000 info@hookup.net
905 iCOM Internet Services 905 522 1220 sales@icom.ca
905 InterLog Internet Services 416 975 2655 internet@interlog.com
905 Internet Access Worldwide 905 714 1400 info@iaw.on.ca
905 Internet Connect Niagara Inc 905 988 9909 info@niagara.com
905 Internex Online, Inc. 416 363 8676 support@io.org
905 Magic Online Services International Inc. 416 591 6490 info@magic.ca
905 Neptune Internet Services 905 895 0898 info@neptune.on.ca
905 Network Enterprise Technology Inc. 905 525 4555 info@netinc.ca
905 Times.net 905 775 4471 rfonger@times.net
905 Vaxxine Computer Systems Inc. 905 562 3500 admin@vaxxine.com
906 Branch Information Services 313 741 4442 branch-info@branch.com
906 Mich.com, Inc. 810 478 4300 info@mich.com
906 Msen, Inc. 313 998 4562 info@msen.com
906 The Portage at Micro + Computers 906 487 9832 admin@mail.portup.com
907 Alaska Information Technology 907 258 1881 info@anc.ak.net
907 Internet Alaska 907 562 4638 info@alaska.net
907 Micronet Communications 907 333 8663 info@micronet.net
907 NorthWestNet 206 562 3000 info@nwnet.net
908 Castle Network, Inc. 908 548 8881 request@castle.net
908 CyberComm Online Services 908 506 6651 info@cybercomm.net
908 Crystal Palace Networking, Inc. 201 300 0881 info@crystal.palace.net
908 Digital Express Group 301 847 5000 info@digex.net
908 Eclipse Internet Access 800 483 1223 info@eclipse.net
908 I-2000 Inc. 800 464 3820 info@i-2000.com
908 INTAC Access Corporation 800 504 6822 info@intac.com
*908 Intercall, Inc 800 758 7329 sales@intercall.com
908 Internet For 'U' 800 NET WAY1 info@ifu.net
908 Internet Online Services x226 -> 201 928 1000 help@ios.com
908 Lightning Internet Services, LLC 516 248 8400 sales@lightning.net
908 Openix - Open Internet Exchange 201 443 0400 info@openix.com
908 Planet Access Networks 201 691 4704 info@planet.net
*908 TechnoCore Communications, Inc. 908 928 7400 info@thecore.com
908 Texel International 908 297 0290 info@texel.com
908 You Tools Corporation / FASTNET 610 954 5910 info@fast.net
909 Cogent Software, Inc. 818 585 2788 info@cogsoft.com
909 CONNECTnet Internet Network Services 619 450 0254 info@connectnet.com
909 CruzNet 714 680 6600 info@cruznet.net
909 Cyberg8t Internet Services 909 398 4638 sales@cyberg8t.com
909 DiscoverNet 909 335 1209 info@discover.net
909 DPC Systems Beach.Net 714 443 4172 connect@beach.net
909 Delta Internet Services 714 778 0370 info@deltanet.com
909 EmpireNet 909 787 4969 support@empirenet.com
909 KAIWAN Internet 714 638 2139 info@kaiwan.com
909 Keyway Internet Access 909 933 3650 sales@keyway.net
909 Liberty Information Network 800 218 5157 info@liberty.com
909 Lightside, Inc. 818 858 9261 Lightside@Lightside.Com
909 Network Intensive 714 450 8400 info@ni.net
909 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
*909 Saigon Enterprises 818 246 0689 info@saigon.net
910 Interpath 800 849 6305 info@interpath.net
910 NetDepot Inc. 770 434 5595 info@netdepot.com
910 Netpath, Inc 910 226 0425 info@netpath.net
910 Red Barn Data Center 910 750 9809 tom@rbdc.rbdc.com
*910 SpyderByte Communications 910 643 6999 info@spyder.net
910 Vnet Internet Access 704 334 3282 info@vnet.net
912 Hargray Telephone Company 803 686 5000 info@hargray.com
912 Homenet Communications, Inc. 912 329 8638 info@hom.net
912 Internet Atlanta 404 410 9000 info@atlanta.com
912 MindSpring Enterprises, Inc. 800 719 4332 info@mindspring.com
913 Flint Hills Computers, Inc. 913 776 4333 gil@flinthills.com
913 fyi@unicom.net 913 383 8466 fyi@unicom.net
913 Interstate Networking Corporation 816 472 4949 staff@interstate.net
913 Tri-Rivers Internet 913 826 2595 staff@tri.net
914 Cloud 9 Internet 914 682 0626 info@cloud9.net
914 Computer Net 914 773 1130 paul@computer.net
914 Creative Data Consultants (SILLY.COM) 718 229 0489 info@silly.com
914 epix 800 374 9669 karndt@epix.net
914 GBN InternetAccess 201 343 6427 gbninfo@gbn.net
914 ICU On-Line 914 627 3800 info@icu.com
914 INTAC Access Corporation 800 504 6822 info@intac.com
914 I-2000 Inc. 800 464 3820 info@i-2000.com
914 InteleCom Data Systems, Inc. 401 885 6855 info@ids.net
914 Lightning Internet Services, LLC 516 248 8400 sales@lightning.net
914 Long Island Internet HeadQuarters 516 439 7800 support@pb.net
914 MHVNet (Computer Solutions by Hawkinson) 914 473 0844 info@mhv.net
914 Mnematics, Incorporated 914 359 4546 service@mne.com
914 New World Data 718 962 1725 dmk@nwdc.com
914 NYSERNet 800 493 4367 sales@nysernet.org
914 Panix (Public Access uNIX) 212 741 4400 info@panix.com
914 Pipeline New York 212 267 3636 info@pipeline.com
914 TZ-Link Internet 914 353 5443 info@j51.com
914 WestNet Internet Services 914 967 7816 info@westnet.com
914 ZONE One Network Exchange 212 824 4000 info@zone.net
915 Delta Design and Development Inc. 800 763 8265 sales@deltaweb.com
915 New Mexico Technet, Inc. 505 345 6555 granoff@technet.nm.org
915 Primenet 602 870 1010 info@primenet.com
915 TexNet Internet Services 915 857 1800 jcoving@tnis.net
915 WhiteHorse Communications ,Inc. 915 584 6630 whc.net.html
916 CASTLES Information Network 707 422 7311 info@castles.com
916 Connectus, Inc. 702 323 2008 info@connectus.com
916 Great Basin Internet Services 702 829 2244 info@greatbasin.com
916 mother.com 916 757 8070 info@mail.mother.com
916 InterStar Network Services 916 224 6866 gfrank@shasta.com
916 ORONET 916 477 6650 info@oro.net
916 NetLink Data-Communications, Inc 916 447 3025 info@netlink.net
916 Psyberware Internet Access 916 645 9451 info@psyber.com
916 Sacramento Network Access 916 565 4500 info@sna.com
916 Sierra-Net 702 831 3353 giles@sierra.net
916 SnowCrest Computer Specialties 916 926 2526 root@snowcrest.net
916 Sutter Yuba Internet Exchange 916 755 1751 dave@syix.com
916 VFR, Inc. 916 652 7237 vfr@vfr.net
916 West Coast Online 707 586 3060 info@calon.com
916 Zocalo Engineering 510 540 8000 info@zocalo.net
917 ZONE One Network Exchange 212 824 4000 info@zone.net
918 Galaxy Star Systems 918 835 3655 info@galstar.com
918 Internet Oklahoma 918 583 1161 info@ionet.net
918 South Coast Computing Services, Inc. 713 917 5000 info@houston.net
919 Interpath 800 849 6305 info@interpath.net
919 Vnet Internet Access 704 334 3282 info@vnet.net
941 Centurion Technology, Inc. 813 538 1919 info@tpa.cent.com
941 Net Sarasota 941 371 1966 info@netsrq.com
941 PacketWorks, Inc. 813 446 8826 info@packet.net
941 USA Computers 941 939 5630 info@usacomputers.net
*954 Acquired Knowledge Systems, Inc. 305 525 2574 info@aksi.net
*954 Shadow Information Services, Inc. 305 594 2450 admin@shadow.net
970 EZLink Internet Access 970 482 0807 ezadmin@ezlink.com
970 Frontier Internet, Inc. 970 385 4177 info@frontier.net
970 Rocky Mountain Internet 800 900 7644 info@rmii.com
A listing of Internet service providers in countries other than the U.S.
and Canada, sorted by country. Fields are country, service provider name,
voice phone number, and email address for more information.
Australia AusNet Services Pty Ltd +61 2 241 5888 sales@world.net
Australia Byron Public Access +61 18 823 541 admin@byron.apana.org.au
Australia Corporate Internet Pty Ltd +61 2 391 3489 admin@corpnet.com.au
Australia DIALix Services +61 2 948 6995 justin@sydney.dialix.oz.au
Australia Global Data Access +61 9 421 1222 info@ednet.com.au
Australia Highway 1 +61 9 370 4584 info@highway1.com.au
Australia Hilink Communications Pty +61 3 9528 2018 info@hilink.com.au
Australia Hunter Network Association +61 49 621783 mbrown@hna.com.au
Australia iiNet Technologies +61 9 3071183 iinet@iinet.com.au
Australia Kralizec Dialup Unix System +61 2 837 1397 nick@kralizec.zeta.org.au
Australia Informed Technology +61 9 245 2279 info@it.com.au
Australia The Message eXchange Pty Ltd +61 2 550 5014 info@tmx.com.au
Australia Microplex Pty. Ltd. +61 2 888 3685 info@mpx.com.au
Australia Pegasus Networks Pty Ltd +61 7 257 1111 fwhitmee@peg.apc.org
Australia PPIT Pty. Ltd. (059 051 320) +61 3 747 9823 info@ppit.com.au
Australia Stour System Services +61 9 571 1949 stour@stour.net.au
Australia Winthrop Technology +61 9 380 3564 wthelp@yarrow.wt.uwa.edu.au
Australia Zip Australia Pty. Ltd. +61 2 482 7015 info@zip.com.au
Austria ARGE DATEN +43 1 4897893 info@email.ad.or.at
Austria EUnet EDV +43 1 3174969 info@austria.eu.net
Austria Hochschuelerschaft... +43 1 586 1868 sysop@link-atu.comlink.apc.org
Austria Net4You +43 4242 257367 office@net4you.co.at
Austria netwing +43 5337 65315 info@netwing.at
Austria PING EDV +43 1 3194336 info@ping.at
Austria simon media +43 316 813 8240 info@sime.com
Austria Vianet Austria Ltd. +43 1 5892920 info@via.at
Bashkiria UD JV 'DiasPro' +7 3472 387454 iskander@diaspro.bashkiria.su
Belarus Open Contact, Ltd. +7 017 2206134 admin@brc.minsk.by
Belgium EUnet Belgium NV +32 16 236099 info@belgium.eu.net
Belgium Infoboard Telematics +32 2 475 22 99 info@infoboard.be
Belgium INnet NV/SA +32 14 319937 info@inbe.net
Belgium KnoopPunt VZW +32 9 2333 686 support@knooppunt.be
Belgium Netropolis Belgium +32 2 6493693 info@netropolis.be
Bulgaria EUnet Bulgaria +359 52 259135 info@bulgaria.eu.net
Denmark DKnet / EUnet Denmark +45 3917 9900 info@dknet.dk
Finland Clinet Ltd +358 0 437 5209 clinet@clinet.fi
Finland EUnet Finland Ltd. +358 0 400 2060 helpdesk@eunet.fi
France CalvaCom +33 1 3463 1919 fb101@calvacom.fr
France French Data Network +33 1 4797 5873 info@fdn.org
France Internet Way +33 1 4143 2110 info@iway.fr
France OLEANE +33 1 4328 3232 info-internet@oleane.net
France REMCOMP SARL +33 1 4479 0642 info@liber.net
Georgia Mimosi Hard +7 8832 232857 kisho@sanet.ge
Germany bbTT Electronic Networks +49 30 817 42 06 willem@b-2.de.contrib.net
Germany EUnet Germany GmbH +49 231 972 2222 info@germany.eu.net
Germany ILK INternet GmbH +49 721 9100 0 info@ilk.de
Germany Individual Network e.V. +49 441 980 8556 in-info@individual.net
Germany INS Inter Networking Systems +49 2305 356505 info@ins.net
Germany Internet PoP Frankfurt +49 69 94439192 joerg@pop-frankfurt.com
Germany ISC Dr.-Ing. Nepustil +49 7123 93102 1 Info@Nepustil.NET
Germany Knipp Medien & Kommunikation +49 231 9703 0 info@knipp.de
Germany Lemke & Fuerst GbR +49 711 7189847 info@lf.net
Germany LyNet Kommunikation +49 451 6101056 info@lynet.de
Germany MUC.DE e.V. +49 89 324 683 0 postmaster@muc.de
Germany Onlineservice Nuernberg +49 911 9933882 info@osn.de
Germany PFM News & Mail Xlink POP +49 171 331 0862 info@pfm.pfm-mainz.de
Germany Point of Presence GmbH +49 40 2519 2025 info@pop.de
Germany POP Contrib.Net Netzdienste +49 521 9683011 info@teuto.de
Germany SpaceNet GmbH +49 89 324 683 0 info@space.net
Germany TouchNET GmbH +49 89 5447 1111 info@touch.net
Germany Westend GbR +49 241 911879 info@westend.com
Ghana Chonia Informatica +233 21 66 94 20 info@ghana.net
Greece Ariadne +30 1 651 3392 dialup@leon.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
Greece Foundation of Research +30 81 221171 forthnet-pr@forthnet.gr
Greece Hellenic Informatics +30 1 620 3040 info@hol.gr
Hong Kong Asia On-Line Limited +852 2866 6018 info@asiaonline.net
Hong Kong Asia Pacific CompuNet Ltd +852 2976 9995 info@ap.net.hk
Hong Kong Hong Kong SuperNet +852 358 7924 trouble@hk.super.net
Hungary iSYS Hungary +36 1 266 6090 info@isys.hu
Iceland SURIS / ISnet +354 1 694747 isnet-info@isnet.is
Ireland Cork Internet Services +353 21 277124 info@cis.ie
Ireland Ieunet Limited +353 1 679 0832 info@ieunet.ie
Ireland Ireland On-Line +353 91 592727 info@iol.ie
Israel ACTCOM +972 4 676115 office@actcom.co.il
Israel Elronet +972 313534 info@elron.net
Israel NetMedia Ltd. +972 2 795 861 info@netmedia.co.il
Israel NetVision LTD. +972 550330 info@netvision.net.il
Italy Abacom s.a.s. +39 434 660911 info@system.abacom.it
Italy I.NET S.p.A. +39 2 26162258 info@inet.it
Italy ITnet S.p.A. +39 10 6563324 info@it.net
Italy Spin +39 40 8992 286 info@spin.it
Italy Tex.NET TELECOMUNICAZIONI +39 574 35038 texnet@texnet.it
Italy Video On Line +39 70 659 625 info@vol.it
Japan Asahi Net +81 3 3666 2811 info@asahi-net.or.jp
Japan Global OnLine +81 3 5330 9380 info@gol.org
Japan HA Telecom Corporation +81 58 253 7641 info@hatelecom.or.jp
Japan Internet Initiative Japan +81 3 3580 3781 info@iij.ad.jp
Japan M.R.T., Inc. +81 3 3255 8880 sysop@janis-tok.com
Japan TWICS +81 3 3351 5977 info@twics.com
Japan Typhoon Inc. +81 3 3757 2118 info@typhoon.co.jp
Kazakhstan Bogas Soft Laboratory Co. +7 322 262 4990 pasha@sl.semsk.su
Kuwait Gulfnet Kuwait +965 242 6728 info@kw.us.com
Latvia LvNet-Teleport +371 2 551133 vit@riga.lv
Latvia Versia Ltd. +371 2 417000 postmaster@vernet.lv
Lisboa Esoterica 716 2395 info@esoterica.com
Luxemburg EUnet Luxemburg +352 47 02 61 361 info@luxemburg.eu.net
Mexico Datanet S.A. de C.V. +52 5 1075400 info@data.net.mx
Mexico Internet de Mexico S.A. +52 5 3602931 info@mail.internet.com.mx
Netherlands The Delft Connection +31 15560079 info@void.tdcnet.nl
Netherlands Hobbynet +31 365361683 henk@hgatenl.hobby.nl
Netherlands Holland Online +31 71 40 16943 Sales@hol.nl
Netherlands Internet Access Foundation +31 5982 2720 mail-server@iafnl.iaf.nl
Netherlands NEST +31 206265566 info@nest.nl
Netherlands NetLand +31 206943664 info@netland.nl
Netherlands NLnet (EUnet) +31 206639366 info@nl.net
Netherlands Psyline +31 80445801 postmaster@psyline.nl
Netherlands Simplex Networking +31 206932433 skelmir@simplex.nl
Netherlands Stichting XS4ALL +31 206225222 helpdesk@xs4all.nl
New Zealand Actrix Networks Limited +64 4 389 6356 john@actrix.gen.nz
New Zealand Efficient Software Limited +64 3 4738274 bart@dunedin.es.co.nz
Norway Oslonett A/S +47 22 46 10 99 oslonett@oslonett.no
Poland ATM +48 22 6106073 szeloch@ikp.atm.com.pl
Poland PDi Ltd. - Public Internet +48 42 30 21 94 info@pdi.lodz.pl
Romania EUnet Romania SRL +40 1 312 6886 info@romania.eu.net
Russia ELCOM +7 092 223 2208 root@centre.elcom.ru
Russia GlasNet +7 95 262 7079 support@glas.apc.org
Russia InterCommunications Ltd. +7 8632 620562 postmaster@icomm.rnd.su
Russia NEVAlink Ltd. +7 812 592 3737 serg@arcom.spb.su
Russia Relcom CO +7 95 194 25 40 postmaster@ussr.eu.net
Russia SvjazInform +7 351 265 3600 pol@rich.chel.su
Singapore Singapore Telecom Limited +65 7308079 admin@singnet.com.sg
Slovakia EUnet Slovakia s.r.o. +42 7 839 404 info@Slovakia.EU.net
Slovenia NIL, System Integration +386 61 1405 183 info@slovenia.eu.net
South Africa Aztec +27 21 419 2690 info@aztec.co.za
South Africa Internet Africa +27 0800 020003 info@iaccess.za
South Africa The Internet Solution +27 11 447 5566 info@is.co.za
Spain INTERCOM S.T.A. +34 3 5802846 info@intercom.es
Spain OFFCAMPUS SL +34 1 577 3026 infonet@offcampus.es
Spain Servicom +34 93 580 9396 info@servicom.es
Sri Lanka Information Laboratories +94 1 61 1061 info@infolabs.is.lk
Sweden NetGuide +46 31 28 03 73 info@netg.se
Switzerland EUnet AG, Zurich +41 1 291 45 80 info@eunet.ch
Switzerland EUnet SA, Geneva +41 22 348 80 45 deffer@eunet.ch
Switzerland Internet ProLink SA +41 22 788 8555 info@iprolink.ch
Switzerland SWITCH +41 1 268 1515 postmaster@switch.ch
Tataretan KAMAZ Incorporated +7 8439 53 03 34 postmaster@kamaz.kazan.su
Ukraine ConCom, Ltd. +7 0572 27 69 13 igor@ktts.kharkov.ua
Ukraine Crimea Communication Centre +380 0652 257214 sem@snail.crimea.ua
Ukraine Electronni Visti +7 44 2713457 info%elvisti.kiev.ua@kiae.su
Ukraine PACO Links Int'l Ltd. +7 48 2200057 info@vista.odessa.ua
Ukraine UkrCom-Kherson Ltd +7 5522 64098 postmaster@ukrcom.kherson.ua
United Kingdom Compulink (CIX Ltd) +44 181 390 8446 cixadmin@cix.compulink.co.uk
United Kingdom CONNECT - PC User Group +44 181 863 1191 info@ibmpcug.co.uk
United Kingdom Demon Internet Limited +44 181 371 1000 internet@demon.net
United Kingdom The Direct Connection +44 81 313 0100 helpdesk@dircon.co.uk
United Kingdom EUnet GB +44 1227 266466 sales@britain.eu.net
United Kingdom ExNet Systems Ltd. +44 81 244 0077 info@exnet.com
United Kingdom Frontier Internet Services +44 171 242 3383 info@ftech.net
United Kingdom GreenNet +44 71 713 1941 support@gn.apc.org
United Kingdom Lunatech Research +44 1734 791900 info@luna.co.uk
United Kingdom Pavilion Internet plc +44 1273 606072 info@pavilion.co.uk
United Kingdom Planet Online Ltd +44 113 234 5566 info@theplanet.net
United Kingdom Sound & Visions BBS +44 1932 253131 info@span.com
United Kingdom Utopia! Internet Ltd +44 121 5614621 sales@utopia.co.uk
United Kingdom WinNET (UK) +44 181 863 1191 info@win-uk.ne
Venezuela Internet Comunicaciones c.a. +58 2 959 9550 info@ccs.internet.ve
*** END OF LIST ***